All About Mobiles

Samsung Tool 13.7 Update. Like Usually Revolution+First in the world

Samsung Tool 13.7 Like Usually Revolution+First in the world

We miss hot updates? lets go


- GT-S7560 support ( direct unlock, direct code reading, flashing )without root - First in the world for all known version*
- GT-S7560m support ( direct unlock, direct code reading, flashing )without root - First in the world for all known version*
- GT-S7562 support ( direct unlock, direct code reading, flashing )without root - First in the world for all known version*
- GT-S7562l support ( direct unlock, direct code reading, flashing )without root - Firt in the world for all known version*

* codereading and unlock, not depend of phone vesion, just can compare in action

- GT-S5367 full support (direct unlock, direct code reading/imei repair, flashing)
- GT-S5369 full support (direct unlock, direct code reading/imei repair, flashing)

- GT-S6010 full support (direct unlock, direct code reading/imei repair, flashing)for test- First in the world
- GT-S6012 full support (direct unlock, direct code reading/imei repair, flashing)for test- First in the world

- GT-S6352 full support (direct unlock, direct code reading/imei repair, flashing)

- SGH-T879 support ( direct unlock, direct code reading, flashing ) without root
- SC02E support ( direct unlock, direct code reading, flashing ) without root
- SC03D ( direct unlock, direct code reading, flashing ) without root

Some revolution like usually. Forget about manualy root for this models : New function added**:

- GT-I9100 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-I9300 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-N7000 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-N7100 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-N8000 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-N8010 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-N8013 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-N8020 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-P6210 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment
- GT-P6800 direct super fast root for any know android version at this moment

** thx to xda. If you hear this possible wihout root. dont trust

Added new function:
- read pit from android phones - (automatics saved to Pit folder )

Fixed bug if sw running from shell.

p.s. Still need other tool? .... ok. wait next step.

Direct link

Nokia C5 Mic solution ways jumper trick 100% tested

Root-I9000, I9000M, I9000B, I9000T, SGH-T959, I5800, I5801

I9000, I9000M, I9000B, I9000T, SGH-T959, I5800, I5801)
[HOWTO] [REF] (un)root your SGS I9000 the easy way (keep all your data) (Eclair 2.1) - xda-developers
Automated Method
Rooting works on the following models:
- I9000
- I9000M
- I9000B
- I9000T
- SGH-T959
- I5800
- I5801

Howto (un)root:
1. Download SGS Eclair Easy
2. Unzip the directory somewhere
3. Open start.bat
4. Follow instructions

Octopus Box LG Software v2.3.6

Octopus Box LG Software v2.3.6

  • LG GC900FGO - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Info,
    Factory Reset.
  • LG KE850A - added Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM,
    Read/Write Full Flash, Read Info, Factory Reset.
  • LG ME850c - added Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM,
    Read/Write Full Flash, Read Info, Factory Reset.
  • LG ME850d - added Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM,
    Read/Write Full Flash, Read Info, Factory Reset.
  • LG ME970c - added Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM,
    Read/Write Full Flash, Read Info, Factory Reset.
  • LG ME970d - added Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM,
    Read/Write Full Flash, Read Info, Factory Reset.
  • LG KM500c - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write EEPROM, Read Full Flash,
    Read Info, Factory Reset.
  • LG KM500d - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write EEPROM, Read Full Flash,
    Read Info, Factory Reset.
  • LG TU515T - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Firmware,
    Write Security Backup, Read/Write NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Dump RAM, Factory Reset.
  • Added a lot of software manuals for supported phones.
  • Released some improvements to the main software.
  • Firmwares for the above mentioned phones where uploaded into the Support Area.

Octopus Team as always is grateful for your help and support.
Stay tuned 'cause there's gonna be more useful updates and improvements this year.

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