All About Mobiles

Download UFSx+HWK v2.3.0.3 Update - 28/10/2013

hwk new setup download 2013

hwk v2.3.0.3 download
hwk latest setup download
hwk update 2013 v2.3.0.3
The Official release is ready in our download area

Release 28/10/2013
If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

You need to uninstall old HWK Setup Suite and HWK Support Suite and use the new UFSx Support Suite.


1. BB5 RAPU Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
RM-884 (302)
2. DCT4 INFINEON Based Products Flashing / UI support added:
(105,210,.. 210,107,106)
3. Added HiBauds (up to 3Mbaud) on UFST Box, for Infineon
XG101 and XG110 Platforms.
4. DCT4 MTK Based Products UI support added:
RM-944,RM-945 (108)
5. Windows8 64bit support.

UFS_ATRz v2.3.0.2------------------
1. Increased Baud Rate for J220,J230
2. Windows8 64bit support.

UFS_KZF v2.3.0.2-----------------
1. Added Windows8 64 bit Support.

UFS_RTP v2.3.0.2----------------
1. Added Windows8 64 bit Support.

SeDBx v2.3.0.2--------------
1. Added Windows8 64 bit Support.

LG v
1. Infineon: Added HiBauds (up to 3Mbaud) on UFST Box
for EGoldVoice V2, EgoldVoice V3, XMM2150 platforms.
2. Common: Windows8 64bit support.


E1260B,E1260L added (PUNL,PIM,FL)
E1265,E2262 added (UNL,SECT,IM,FL)
C3322i,C3590,C3592 added (CUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL,UFL)
HiBauds(3 Mbaud) added for XMM1100, XMM2150, XMM2230, XMM2250
Platforms, on UFST Box Only.
More Products added, UFST only, see separate Document.

Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!

1. Uninstall ALL previous versions, you MUST uninstall HWK Suite BEFORE trying to uninstall HWK Support Suite Setup.
2. Install UFSx Support Suite Setup
3. Connect your UFSx+HWK before running the UFSx Control Panel
4. Run UFSx Control Panel
5. Select the "Hardware" Tab
6. If you only have one UFSx connected it will be selected, if more than one, select the check box next to the required UFSx. You can click "Scan Boxes" to refresh the list if you have connected further boxes since opening the Control Panel
7. Click "Check Box"
8. Click "Update Box"
9. Click "Check Box"
10. Select the "Software" Tab
11. Amend "Application Install Path" and/or Nokia Install Path, if required.
12. Click "Check Server"
13. Click "Install"
14. If you have more than 1 UFSx+HWK run steps 5-13 for each UFSx+HWK (NOTE: You must install something at step 13)

How to install same UFSx+HWK to 2nd PC.
Same as above and you must complete ALL steps.

How to add further UFSx+HWK after initial install.
Steps 4-13 as above

Click to Download


Nokia 1200_1208_1650 Power key ways

NOKIA 5610 volume up and down key Solution

Top 10 Countries With Largest Cell Phone Subscriber 2010 – Infographics [PRATEET]

Nokia x2 lcd ways [PRATEET]

Nokia x2 lcd ways [PRATEET]

All security test failed 100% solution! [BY 73rajsingh]

we know that
when come security test failed

1. super sd auth or pmm auth than write good or modified pm ( must need pm 1 & 309)
or, 2. sd repair super sd auth or pmm auth than write good or modified pm ( must need pm 1 & 309)

yes! we have this solution
1. first backup rpl ( go > imei and security tab > imei rebuild > backup rpl)
2. erase old pm ( go > pm tab > erase )
3. must backup rpl before do this)Reset npc data ( go> imei and security tab> reset NPC data)(
4. Erase pm again (go > pm tab > erase )
5.Write rpl from backup ( go > imei and security tab > imei rebuild > restore imei)
6. go pm tab > super sd auth or pmm auth > than write good or modified pm ( must need pm 1 & 309)

7. erase pm again

8. Recover CERT ( go>imei and security tab> imei rebuild > recover cert)
9. give full factory reset

Nokia E60 N78 N96 N 95 N70 N 77 hardware exe [PRATEET]

Nokia E60 N78 N96 N 95 N70 N 77 hardware exe [PRATEET]


Rotate Your Nokia Mobile Phone Screen From Landscape View to Portrait

Would you like to rotate your nokia mobile phone from landscape view to portrait
view an also from landscape view to portrait view means just use the following
codes in your nokia mobile phone.


*#5512# will turn towards Right
*#5513# will turn upside down
*#5514# will turn towards left
*#5511# will turn Your screen back to normal.

Command Could Be Apply On Following Nokia Models:


How to Backup SMS Before Formatting MMC Memory Card [PRATEET]

How Backup SMS
Are you going to format you memory card, but you want to backup your massages ? Here is solution of your problem. Connect your mobile to PC via cable or card reader whatever method you are using. Unhide files from folder option because these files are usually hidden. Now open memory card drive where You will see folders like SYS, PRIVATE, RESOURCE, DATA etc.The following screen shot show the Folders in MMC for better understanding.
Now navigate through PRIVATE folder. This folder contain “1000484b” and you will see mail2 folder (this is the folder where all our messages are stored)
copy “1000484b” folder and make a backup in your PC. After formatting your MMC again activate your mass media and copy the “1000484b” to the same location and restart your mobile. Now all the messages are restored.


1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader
(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste)
Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast and almost as good as notepad..

10 Fast and Free Security Enhancements

Before you spend a time on security, there are many precautions you can take that will protect you against the most common threats.

1. Check Windows Update and Office Update regularly (_; have your Office CD ready. Windows Me, 2000, and XP users can configure automatic updates. Click on the Automatic Updates tab in the System control panel and choose the appropriate options.

2. Install a personal firewall. Both SyGate ( and ZoneAlarm ( offer free versions.

3. Install a free spyware blocker. Our Editors' Choice ("Spyware," April 22) was SpyBot Search & Destroy (_ SpyBot is also paranoid and ruthless in hunting out tracking cookies.

4. Block pop-up spam messages in Windows NT, 2000, or XP by disabling the Windows Messenger service (this is unrelated to the instant messaging program). Open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services and you'll see Messenger. Right-click and go to Properties. Set Start-up Type to Disabled and press the Stop button. Bye-bye, spam pop-ups! Any good firewall will also stop them.

5. Use strong passwords and change them periodically. Passwords should have at least seven characters; use letters and numbers and have at least one symbol. A decent example would be f8izKro@l. This will make it much harder for anyone to gain access to your accounts.

6. If you're using Outlook or Outlook Express, use the current version or one with the Outlook Security Update installed. The update and current versions patch numerous vulnerabilities.

7. Buy antivirus software and keep it up to date. If you're not willing to pay, try Grisoft AVG Free Edition (Grisoft Inc., w* And doublecheck your AV with the free, online-only scanners available at w* and _

8. If you have a wireless network, turn on the security features: Use MAC filtering, turn off SSID broadcast, and even use WEP with the biggest key you can get. For more, check out our wireless section or see the expanded coverage in Your Unwired World in our next issue.

9. Join a respectable e-mail security list, such as the one found at our own Security Supersite at _, so that you learn about emerging threats quickly and can take proper precautions.

10. Be skeptical of things on the Internet. Don't assume that e-mail "From:" a particular person is actually from that person until you have further reason to believe it's that person. Don't assume that an attachment is what it says it is. Don't give out your password to anyone, even if that person claims to be from "support."

Remote Desktop Through Company Firewall

Dont wanna take any credit for this as i got this from another forum.

A lot of people I know love using the Windows Remote Desktop feature at work, however are prevented from connecting to their home computer because of the company firewall. This is because most corporate firewalls block port 3389 which Remote Desktop uses. Most just switch to VNC, however most find it slower than Remote Desktop.

This quick tutorial shows how (from a fire walled network that blocks port 3389) you can access your home computer using MS Remote Desktop.

*This tutorial assumes you have or know how to setup and dynamic DNS client if you need one

*Assumes you know how to setup port forwarding if you need to.

Because Remote Desktop is using port 3389 by default, it is not possible to go through a firewall. So you can use port 443. Because this port is always open on your companies firewall to allow https. (One would assume )

At your home PC:

1) Configure Your pc to allow Remote Connections in your System Properties (windows - Break) tab Remote. Check 'Allow users to connect remote to this computer.

2) (add users if needed)

3) According to

In the registry change
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber to 443 (click Decimal radio button first)

*Configure your firewall to allow traffic through port 443 (If you need to)

*Configure your route to forward port 443 to your computer (If you need to)

If you have IIS running you have to change the port number of https. because it is already listening on this port.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cscript.exe c:\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET w3svc/1/
SecureBindings ":444:"

Or just disable IIS Service

For your PC at work:

According to

you can just type the port after the IP-Address of your home PC.

*Or if you have a Dynamic DNS Client such as No-IP or DynDNS you can type in that address.

You can add the following to the rdp file. (which you can get to click on Save As on the tab General of Remote Desktop Connection)
server port:i:443

Extra tip: to have access to your clients hard disk on your remote desktop, check Disk Drives on the tab Local Resources of Remote Desktop Connection

N70 white hang slution....not remove any ic


Nokia C5-00 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

if Memory Card MMC is not working proper in nokia c5-00 or having fault inset Memory Card or Memory Card is not inserted etc problem then here is diagram

that will help you to solve this issue all parts that are shown in diagram with blue lines and box are used in mmc function so resold these parts and if problem not solve then replace these parts it will help you to solve memory card problem in nokia c5-00.

Nokia C5-00 Ringer Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

Nokia C5-00 Have two ringer and both of these ringer are shown in diagram all track and paths for two ringers are defined with different colors so look at the diagram given bellow and make these jumpers as

shown in diagram they will help you to solve ringer not working low voice or ringer problems in nokia c5-00.some parts have single leg ground while other is used for ringer path so if any of them have ground we have to jumper on the other side of that resistance or capacitor.

Nokia C5-00 Keypad Not Working Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

Nokia C5-00 Keypad Not Working Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.if all or a few keys are not working in nokia C5-00 here is the main parts that are working

to control keypad function in nokia c5-00 so resold these two keypad filter ic and if problem not solve then replace these two keypad filter ic to solve keypad problem in nokia c5-00

Nokia N8 Camera Key Is Not Working Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

if camera key is not working in nokia n8 here is a help full diagram that will help you to solve camera key problem in nokia n8.look at the diagram and you can see here is a button

that have three main path it is camera key button and all three pats are defined with different colors so that can be identified easily check these links and if broken make jumpers as shown in diagram to solve camera key button problem in nokia n8.

Nokia N8 Camera Key Is Not Working Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

if camera key is not working in nokia n8 here is a help full diagram that will help you to solve camera key problem in nokia n8.look at the diagram and you can see here is a button

that have three main path it is camera key button and all three pats are defined with different colors so that can be identified easily check these links and if broken make jumpers as shown in diagram to solve camera key button problem in nokia n8.

How To Jumper KeyPad IC in Nokia 5030 if a set of keys is not working Problem solution Ways Tested.

hi some time in nokia 5030 a set of keys is not working that can be fault of broken link or due to missing track of any path so here i am going to tell how to solve if keypad problem if a set of keys is not working in nokia 5030 without changing keypad ic in nokia 5030.
so please check these step carefully and take a look at diagram given with this post.

you have to check outer and inner path of the specific keys if a set of keys is not working else you may can check all keys separately with inner and outer path tracks.
if 8,0,#,left and Menu key is not working check the track one for outer.
if send,down,clear and 8 key is not working check the second track for outer.
if 1,2,3,9 and right key is not working check the third track for outer.
if 4,5,6,7 and up key is not working check the forth track for outer.
if menu,up,down and 9 key is not working check fifth track for inner.
if left,right,send and 7 key is not working check sixth track for inner.
if 1 4 and * key is not working check seventh track for inner.
if 2,5,8 and 0 key is not working check eighth track for inner.
if 3,6,# and clear key is not working check ninth track for inner.
if * 0 # and menu keys are not working make the tenth diagram’s jumpers just two jumpers and no need to change keypad ic in nokia 5030.

Nokia N8 Power Switch On Off Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

if you are facing power problem in nokia n8 and having worried about its solution simpley do a few steps and you will be able to sort out this problem.
Step:-1 plugin charger in charging pin and check do it charging or not.
Step:-2 if it is charging it means here is just a power switch problem and you have to find out its power switch button on off path way track jumpers.

Step:-3 look at the diagram given bellow and check the path and links with electronics meter and if any of them is broken make these jumpers as defined in diagram and also change the power on off button switch if needed or damage.
it will help you to solve power problem in nokia n8 in case even the power button points and prints are damage or broken.

Nokia 1202 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution

Nokia 1202 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution
if *,0,#,Menu keys are not working in nokia 1202 you do not need to change keypad dail ic more as previous just make these two jumpers and * 0 # menue keys will work ok without changing keypad ic in nokia 1202.

so look at the diagram and two jumpers you can see in perot and pink colors in diagram carefully scratch the area that is shown in diagram near dial keypad ic in nokia 1202 and then make these two jumpers as indicated in diagram they will help you to solve * 0 # menue keypad problem with only jumpers without changing keypad ic.

Nokia 1203 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution

Nokia 1203 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution
if *,0,#,Menu keys are not working in nokia 1203 you do not need to change keypad dail ic more as previous just make these two jumpers and * 0 # menue keys will work ok without changing keypad ic in nokia 1203.

so look at the diagram and two jumpers you can see in perot and pink colors in diagram carefully scratch the area that is shown in diagram near dial keypad ic in nokia 1203 and then make these two jumpers as indicated in diagram they will help you to solve * 0 # menue keypad problem with only jumpers without changing keypad ic.

Nokia 1661 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution

Nokia 1661 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution
if *,0,#,Menu keys are not working in nokia 1661 you do not need to change keypad dail ic more as previous just make these two jumpers and * 0 # menue keys will work ok without changing keypad ic in nokia 1661.

so look at the diagram and two jumpers you can see in perot and pink colors in diagram carefully scratch the area that is shown in diagram near dial keypad ic in nokia 1661 and then make these two jumpers as indicated in diagram they will help you to solve * 0 # menue keypad problem with only jumpers without changing keypad ic.

Nokia 5030 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution

Nokia 5030 * 0 # menu keys not working 100% tested jumpers solution
if *,0,#,Menu keys are not working in nokia 5030 you do not need to change keypad dail ic more as previous just make these two jumpers and * 0 # menue keys will work ok without changing keypad ic in nokia 5030.

nokia 5030 *,0,#,Menue
nokia 5030 *,0,#,Menue

so look at the diagram and two jumpers you can see in perot and pink colors in diagram carefully scratch the area that is shown in diagram near dial keypad ic in nokia 5030 and then make these two jumpers as indicated in diagram they will help you to solve * 0 # menue keypad problem with only jumpers without changing keypad ic.

Nokia C5-00 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

some time we got charger not supported problem in nokia c5-00 so to solve this problem we have to change a 47k resistance that is indicated in diagram given bellow so check this resistance and replace it with any 47k resistance that can be taken from any other board of nokia.

and after changing this resistant charger not supported problem will be solve in nokia c5-00.

Nokia 5030 Insert sim problem solution if sim ic print damage broken missed ways jumpers 100% tested

some time during jumper sim ic and short it we may loss sim ic prints and then here we feel vary hopeless and do not find and way in past so do not worry and look at the diagram bellow

in it you can find all the track for solving insert sim problem in nokia 5030 and check all these links with electronics meter and if find any thing missing make jumpers as you can see in diagram in different colors all color shows different links and you can make jumper at any point as color indicating.

Nokia 1661 and 1662 Insert sim solution if sim ic prints broken damaged ways jumpers 100% tested

here is a diagram that can be used as solution of insert sim problem in nokia 1661 and 1662 if sim ic prints are damaged during jumper and short sim ic.

so if insert sim ic prints damage no need to worry and make these jumpers as shown in given diagram bellow and insert sim problem cna be solve 100% tested solution.all links are shown in different colors so that can be understand easily and clearly.if main pin points also broken you can scratch the path as shown in diagram and make jumper there.

Nokia 1203 Insert Sim IC prints damage Problem Solution Ways Jumpers 100% tested

Today I’m going to post a useful range diagram is useful in cases sim IC is damage in the Nokia 1203 for some time during the sim ic jumper in the Nokia 1203 the prints can be damaged with soldering iron and in that case, We hope that the less how to fix it.

now it is 100% tested solution, and we do not need to worry just Look schedule I will post and you can just Fore jumper and SIM problem to be solved easily.all jumper and links are identified with different colors so that you can easily understand.

Nokia 1202 Insert Sim IC prints damage Problem Solution Ways Jumpers 100% tested

todya i am going to post a vary usefull diagram that is helpfull in case if sim i.c is damage in nokia 1202 some time during jumper of sim ic in nokia 1202 the prints can be dameg with solder iron and in that case we became hope less that how to repair it.

now its is 100% tested solution and we do not need to worry simply loock at the diagram i am going to post and you can make just foure jumper and insert sim problem will be solve easily.all jumper and links are identified with differt colors so that you can understand easily.

Nokia 1680c,1681c Fake Charging Problem Solution

Here is the solution for Nokia 1680c and 1681 Fake Charging problem charging indicator shows whether the device but it is not stored or kept on the battery. This problem may cause the device unable to charge and cause the battery quickly.

To overcome this problem locate the components on Nokia 1680c highlighled board and then said that a replacement component.
Charging for a fake issue, the device replaces the resistor and O.22 to detect line connecting paths to the positive terminal of the battery.

Nokia 1280 White Lcd Display Ways Solution Jumpers

here is a diagram that will solve display problem in nokia 1280 you can see all the links in diagram that goes to board from lcd jack.check all these prints and tracks with electronics meter and if any of them is broken make jumpers as shown.all these links are indicated with different colors so that can be identified easily.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

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