All About Mobiles

Nokia 6124 Classic Full PCB Diagram Mother Board

Nokia 6124 Classic Full PCB Diagram Mother Board.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 6124 Classic i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

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Nokia 6124 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post

Nokia 1508 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board.

Nokia 1508 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 1508 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Nokia 1508 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY”

Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

In Nokia X2 if it is not charging ok and you have not charging problem in Nokia X2 then you can solve this problem with help of diagram bellow. in this diagram all charging links are identified so that you can understand which parts are used in charging function in Nokia X2.
Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
So one print is ground it is identified in diagram with blue color and red cooler is a positive print and you can check all track with meter and if any of them is broken you can apply jumper as defined in repairing diagram.
Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
mostly if we plug in charger and it does not show any thing it can be fault of charging base or may be fault of broken link. so check charging base also.
Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
If it shows not charging indication or a message charger not supported then it can be fault of charging ic or may be due to 47k resistance. About these problems I will post in upcoming days.

Nokia X2 Led Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

this post is to solve lcd led display lights,keypad lights problem.Nokia X2 Led Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers just remove three leg transistor and make these jumpers as shown in diagram bellow in this post.
Nokia X2 Led Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers
once you look at this diagram in it here are blue line in Nokia X2 that define all light problem make jumper from first point to the three leg transistors’s leg and then forword the same link to light while the other leg of lied is a ground point print.

Nokia X2 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

if you are having a problem with your cellphone Nokia X2 when ever you plug in charger into its charging pin it shows charger not supported.this can be the fault of a 47k resistance that is shown in cellphone diagram bellow.
Nokia X2 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways Jumpers
you have to change this resistance and before replacing this 47k resistance you can clean resold this resistance and area.
you can use it from most of nokia mobiles like nokia 1110,nokia 1112,nokia 1200,nokia 1208,nokia 6030 etc.
this resistance is used in all nokia mobile phones with same 47k value so you can use it from any of nokia mobile just position of resistance can be different in each mobile.

Nokia 1208 1209 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board

Nokia 1208 1209 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 1208 1209 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 1208

Nokia 1208 1209 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible

nokia X2 keypad not working problem solution jumpers ways.

if keypad is not working in nokia X2 all keys or a few keys are not working you can solve this problem after following these few steps that are given in this post and also in this diagram that is given bellow.
nokia X2 keypad not working problem solution jumpers ways
you can see in diagram there are outer and inner keypad are define with different colors so that you can understand easily which keys of set are in the same track.
nokia X2 keypad not working problem solution jumpers ways.
1,4,7,* is in same line
2,5,8,0 is in same line
3,6,9,# is in same line
up,down,menus,and dial key is same line
nokia X2 keypad not working problem solution jumpers way
in the same ways all colors for outer and inner keys are showing keys track if any of them is missing we can make outer with outer and inner with inner jumper to all these which is missing to that button which is working good in nokia X2.

Nokia X2 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

today I am going to post a diagram that will help you to solve insert sim problem in cell phone nokia x2 first of all you should check some different sim in it and if no one is working with nokia x2 cell phone and on each sim you find “insert sim” then you can solve this insert sim problem in cell phone with this diagram that is given with this post.
Nokia X2 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways Jumpers
if you are facing insert sim problem in nokia x2 then this can be solved with a few jumpers as shown in diagram attached with this post.look at the diagram here a few different color lines that are defining path and links of sim points to the insert sim ic.

Nokia 2300 Hand free Open Car Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

Nokia 2300 Hand free Open Car Problem can be solve with this useful and helpful diagram easily .loock at this diagram given bellow and make these you can simply i have short just two point of capastors and the car problem handfree problem is removed from nokia 2300 you can do all these your self also.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

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