All About Mobiles

Nokia X6 Charger Not Supported Not Charging Problem Ways Solution Jumpers

if we plug in the charger to the X6 and it shows error loader not supported in this particular case, the loading pin works fine, the guilt of two important things on his charger is your first step to change the charger when not charging ok.

some working time may be the reason for janiuan charger charger charger janiun problem.if supported it may be that you 47k this resistance is defined in schedules attached to this remove this resistor and a new one to replace Nokia on board for change.

Nokia X6 Network Problem Signal Ways Solution Jumpers.

If X6 network problem or a low signal problem in your mobile solution you can do the following diagram with this post.look attached to the chart and you can see a few items in red

and the various colored lines of the components used in the network function in the Nokia x6.clean these components if there is no water damage or rust than enables the board to dry under electric light bulb for a few coins, so it can be dry or use low heat with hot air, you may need to change these parts, if not solve the problem with just cleaning and service process.

Nokia X6 LED LCD light problem solution jumpers ways

If the light is not workin in the X6 and LCD monitor or keyboard did not work then you can solve this problem by following these few steps that I am writing this post.

just look at the schedule given by post in there are two lines going from LCD jack check this links and also verify that all components are enlined with multi colors all these parts are used in LED lighting and LCD light function in the Nokia replacement this or parts supplied to LED Light problem and dim-lit LCD display problem in the X6.

Nokia 1616 Keypad problem ways track Jumpers Solution

If keyboard does not work in Nokia 1616 fold can be solved with this scheme, which is attached to this post.all keys are defined with different colors

and all the keys with the same link have the same colors in the diagram all inert and outer points of the main with the same color can be linked together as one of then is not affiliated with keyboard as a key or a set of keys does not work you cana do jumpers ashamed by the color as shown in diagram.
Outside Core related keys
row a = R, 7, Send, Links
Row B = 9, Up, Down, Left Soft
Row C = 3, 6, Soft right #
row d = 2, 5, 8, 0
row E = 1, 4, *
Inner core attached buttons
Column a = R, 9, 3, 2, 1
column b = 7, Up, 6, 5, 4
Column C = Forward, Down, Right Soft, 8
Column D = Left, Soft Left, #, 0, *

Power button ON / OFF switch Key Line paths for Nokia 1616

Nokia 1616 fold power problem is solved with this chart easy so look at this schedule and it can be found outside button is defined with black color is that one floor and the inner key in red and can be jumper as shown in diagram.

find that the power button does not vary simply just plug in the charger and when you plug in the charger then, when it starts to load, the cause of power button can be associated ways.this jumpers with insulation wire.
Power button ON / OFF switch Key Line paths for Nokia 1616

Keypad and LCD display, LED failure solution for Nokia 1616

LCD LED does not like the Nokia 1800 and LCD display is too dim to can chek these components are described in this schedule, which is attached to this post.

check these parts vary careful notmally this problem can be caused by water damage or clean these components with electronics cleaner and let them dry for a couple of mint under an electric lamp or hot dry air to apply can see in chart two lines with red and blue that path and lite left shows so check them as left and destroy the jumpers.

Charger not supported solution for the Nokia 1616 to establish

if we plug in the charger and it shows the Nokia 1616 charger not supported error in this case especially the loading pin works fine, the guilt of two important things on his charger is your first step to change the charger when not charging ok.

some working time may be the reason for janiuan charger charger charger janiun problem.if supported it may be that you 47k this resistance is defined in schedules attached to this remove this resistor and a new one to replace Nokia on board for change.

Ringer and earpiece speaker solution for Nokia 1616

Nokia 1616 ear speaker peace in these ways can be found that can speaker problem in nokia diagram that is given with this post you can see

there are two main blue and red of this line to solve determine path for speaker working in Nokia 1616 so check those parts, tires and any link is broken, these jumpers and verify or speakerphone speaker is not working for some time and use new speaker for solving problems in the Nokia 1616.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

not Charging problem solution ways jumpers for Nokia 1616

If you are facing problem in Nokia 1616 not charging then you must follow this schedule for charging problem in diagram are shown two main colors are red and blue

.blue color determines ground can be ground to any ground jumper.the red line is to define all the links that will show resistance and CAN charging jack and charger also.some time check may be the fault of the charger and charging jack can not attache with the board.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Microphone problem of the Nokia 1616 repair solutions

Nokia 1616 microphone mic problem can be solved with a few steps that I will write here if you are faced with no mic for voice or low voice Goes word then go to the destination that you can control microphone microphone to replace its two new one.

there important in this color scheme red and blue as you can easily see that these two lines determines main road links and check these links as one of them is broken, these jumpers as defined in the chart attached to this part post.if of damage you can replace it with shared values.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

nokia 1800 keypad Not working ways problem solution jumpers

If keyboard does not work in the Nokia 6600 slide can be solved with this scheme, which is attached to this post.all keys are defined with different colors and all the keys with the same link have the same colors in the graph and all vertices of the inert most of the same color

can be linked together as one of then is not affiliated with keyboard as a key or a set of keys does not work you cana jumpers through the color chart as ashamed of you can visit shown.and resistance at left, as shown in right.
Here’s all the connection of each key as configured by inner and outer core compounds.
Outside Core related keys
row a = R, 7, Send, Links
Row B = 9, Up, Down, Left Soft
Row C = 3, 6, Soft right #
row d = 2, 5, 8, 0
row E = 1, 4, *
Inner core attached buttons
Column a = R, 9, 3, 2, 1
column b = 7, Up, 6, 5, 4
Column C = Forward, Down, Right Soft, 8
Column D = Left, Soft Left, #, 0, *

nokia 1616 LCD display problem ways solution jumpers

Nokia 1616 LCD display problem can be solved by following these few steps, I started writing this post.first of all check the board carefully and

if there is any difference rust damage in that area can be defined and displayed in diagram green box, clean the area with electronics cleaner and dry thoroughly with hot lamp or can be re-sold and re hot these components, so lcd ways to continue if broken links because of this post will parts.i separate links for all of these resistance in the future so you can find all LCD separately link.

Nokia 1800 charger not supported problem solution ways jumpers

Charger not supported occurs when the temperature of the battery resistance is damaged, this solution gives the exact location of the said chip-resistor on the main circuit board. This chip-resistor should be replaced when a charger is not supported on the LCD display when in a plug-in charger.

The value of the said chip resistor is 47K, you can find a replacement to any broken old Nokia PCB.
if we plug in the charger and it shows the Nokia 1800 charger not supported error in this case especially the loading pin works fine, the guilt of two important things on his charger is your first step to change the charger when not charging ok.some working time may be the reason for janiuan charger charger charger janiun problem.if supported it may be that you 47k this resistance is defined in schedules attached to this remove this resistor and a new one to replace Nokia on board for change.

Nokia 1800 Power Button problem ways jumper solution

Nokia 1800 fold power problem is solved with this chart easy so look at this schedule and it can be found outside button is defined with black color is that one floor and the inner key in red

and can be jumper as shown in diagram. find that the power button does not vary simply just plug in the charger and when you plug in the charger then, when it starts to load, the cause of power button can be associated ways.this jumpers with insulation wire.

Nokia 1800 Mic Not Working Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

nokia 1800 mic microphone problem can be solved with a few steps that I will write here if you are faced with no mic for voice or low voice Goes word then go to the destination that you can control microphone microphone to replace its two major new one.

there colors red and blue in this scheme if you can easily see that these two lines are determined by major road links and check these links as one of them is broken, these jumpers as defined in the chart attached to this post.if a part damage can also replace parts of the same value.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

nokia 1800 not charging problem solution ways jumpers

As Nokia 1800 is not charging or showing error loading loader pin plug to look than these few steps for your charger is problem.if januin chek than with other two must step charger.

in cheek charging jack and resolve In step two three check all these links in the chart defined by red and blue lines.there can be any broken link or some parts are damaged, allowing the jumpers to make or replace parts that are defined in the chart attached to this post .

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 1800 Lcd White Display Problem Solution Jumpers

if we have display problem in nokia 1800 white display problem blank display or no display problem then in all these cases this problem can be solve with a few tips and tricks just look at the diagram that i have posted with this post and by following this you can solve display problems in nokia 1800.

when you see the diagram in it there are different color lines that define all links so check them with meter or if any of them is broken make these jumpers if capacitor or resistance are also damage you can scratch pin points on the board and also can jumper on board to solve display problem in nokia 1800.
For more details and new tips and tricks on this issue keep visiting this page we will update with new time diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can also learn more by reading.

Solutions for the Nokia 1616 Insert SIM card problem

If you are facing problem in Nokia 1616 SIM then this can be resolved with a few jumpers as shown on the drawing attached to this post.

look on the diagram a few different colored lines that road and the tires points sim determine insert the sim the left side of the chart you can see how we can sim ic jumper to insert sim problem in Nokia can resolve this case short dots by the color ashamed as given in schedule.

Solutions for the Nokia 1800 Insert SIM card problem

If you are facing problem with SIM in the Nokia 1800 this can be resolved with a few jumpers as shown on the drawing attached to this post.

look on the diagram a few different colored lines and road links are key points of sim the insert sim the left side of the chart you can see how we can sim ic jumper to insert sim problem Nokia can resolve this case short dots by the color ashamed as given in schedule.

Nokia 1680c, 1681c Keypad Full Solution with Jumper Ways

If keyboard does not work in Nokia 1680 or a few keys you can not work this problem in a few steps that are defined in this daigaram Bellow that is given in this post.

check all these tracks that can be defined with different colors in diagram, so you can find all the keys inside and outre inner and outers the same color used for the same key have the same meaning if any button does not work you can see the outer and inner sweater with another point that same color.power also appears in the side and its outer and inner, the ground goes to the back of the board as shown in diagram to make jumper.

nokia 1800 and 1616 torch search flash light problem solution ways jumpers

here is a diagram that will help you to solve torch light search light flash light problem look at the diagram bellow and check all these parts that are indicated in this have to resold all these parts and may have to change these.check all these link and if any of them broken make jumpers as shown.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 1680c,1681c Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways jumpers

if we plug in the charger and it shows the Nokia 1680 charger not supported error in this case especially the loading pin works fine,

the guilt of two important things on his charger is your first step to change the charger when not charging ok.some working time may be the reason for original charger charger charger origional problem.if supported it may be that you 47k this resistance is defined in schedules attached to this remove this resistor and a new one to replace Nokia on board for change.

Nokia 1680c,1681c, Camera Failure Problem Solution Jumpers ways

if you are facing camera problem in nokia 1680 camera failure and camera standby mode all these camera problem and situations this diagram will help you to solve problems

.just check all these parts that are shown and define with green color box in diagram clean these parts with electronics cleaner and leave to dry under electrical may can also apply heat with hot air.resold these parts to solve camera problems.

Nokia 1680c,1681c Not Charging Jumper Ways Solution

If you are facing problem in Nokia 1680 not charging then you must follow this schedule for charging problem in diagram are shown two main colors are red and blue.

blue color determines ground can be ground to any ground jumper.the red line is to define all the links that will show resistance and CAN charging jack and charger also.some time check may be the fault of the charger and charging jack can not attache with the board.

nokia 1680c &1681c Power ON-OFF button ways jumper solution

if nokia 1680 can not be on this may can be a problem of on off button check this just plug in charger and check if set is charging and shows charging indication but do not get power on it means 100% on off button is not working.

then you can open mobile and at the board you can check this link as shown in diagram attached with this post.out key is a ground that can be jumper with any ground place.and inner is going to these resistances that are defined with red have to make this jumper to solve on off problem in nokia 1680.

Nokia 1680c,1681c Local Mode Test Mode Problem Solution

to solve test mode local mode in nokia 1680 and 1681 you can follow a few steps that i am going to discus in this post and also are define in diagram that is attached with this post.

carefully look at the diagram and in it there are a few parts in lined with parrot color.clean these resistances with electronics cleaner and then leave them to dry under electrical bulb for a few mint or apply hot air so that they can be dry.if problem can not be solve then you have to replace them with new parts from any other board.

Nokia 1616 LCD Display Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

This repair solution show the specific components and the line paths of Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 LCD display signals. This guide can be used to quickly resolve problems and fix display problems on Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616.
This repair guide will show you where and what specific parts of the LCD data signal feeds into a certain components, including even the solder ball bumps of infeon X-Gold 110 chip to the LCD filter coils, resistors and LCD display module .

There are two LCD voltage that feeds the LCD module, the 1.8 volts DC, which is pink in color line and 2.8 volts in green line. The other four, on which the display data signals.
This guide is useful if the screen data to filter coils and resistors already replaced but the problem still exists. You can trace those corresponding line path when the time you need to remove, rework, and even try to replace a new IC.

Nokia X2 LCD Failure Display Ic Jumper Solution Ways

This is a chart display problem in Nokia solution to this problem, we have a few first step we have to check is good and LCD panel om.

so change lcd and check LCD check does not do the comic and check out this IC parts and around each area as there is no water rust these parts may be sold and if the problem is not resolved then you can remove IC and jumpers as shown in chart attached with this message. pins can be defined in white and a pink color is used to show display problem in Nokia x2.

Nokia X2 Power On off button ways jumpers solution

Nokia x2 power problem is solved with this chart easy so look at this schedule and it can be found outside button is defined with black color is that one floor

and the inner key in red and can be jumper as shown in diagram. find that the power button does not vary simply just plug in the charger and when you plug in the charger then, when it starts to load, the cause of power button can be associated ways.this jumperd with insulation wire.

Nokia X2 Ringer Speaker Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

If the ring tone problem in Nokia x2 SOND quality is too low or poor voice quality in Ringer Nokia x2 you can solve this problem easily with this schedule that is posted with this first step post.

in ringer to checked, so if it shows little or poor voice continuity put this ring as it does not show continuity ringer does not work and changing damage.after ringer ok you might not vote, these two main points ring is connected to the board control chart can be found in these two prints in red and blue lines on the screen lines.both two different should also check these links with the meter and if one of them is broken or damaged, you can easily can jumper, as defined in diagram.

Nokia x2 Mic problem solution ways jumpers of microphone not working.

nokia x2 mic microphone problem can be solve with a few steps that i am going to write here if you are facing no mic voice is going forword or low voice goese to destination then you can check mic replace mic with new one.

there are two main colors in this diagram red and blue as you can see easily so these two lines are defining main path of links check these links and if any of them is broken then make these jumpers as define in diagram attached with this post.if any component is damage you can replace it also with same value parts.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 1680c,1681c MIC Problem Solution with Jumper Ways

nokia 1680 mic microphone problem can be solve with a few steps that i am going to write here if you are facing no mic voice is going forword or low voice goese to destination then you can check mic replace mic with new one.

there are two main colors in this diagram red and blue as you can see easily so these two lines are defining main path of links check these links and if any of them is broken then make these jumpers as define in diagram attached with this post.if any component is damage you can replace it also with same value parts.

Nokia 1800 Display Lcd Ways Jumpers Solution

nokia 1800 lcd display problem can be solve with following these few steps i am going to write in this post.first of all check the board vary carefully and

if there is any rust water damage in area that is define and shown in diagram with green color box,clean this area with electronics cleaner and then leave it to dry with bulb or hot may can re sold and re hot these components so that lcd ways can be continue if ther are broken links due to these parts.i will post separate links for all these resistance in future so that you can find all lcd link separately.

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