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Android Tablet-WIFI(CPU A10 - A13)WIPE ROM EASY III-Solved Hang & Google Password-III

Android Tablet (CPU A10 - A13)WIPE ROM EASY

III-Solved Hang & Google Password--III

100% Tested By Me
Related Software Problem Solved

DownLoad : WIPE ROM EASY A10 - A13.rar

Wipe Rom = Wipe Data and Wipe Cache = Factory Reset = Data Lose

Supported - Wipe Rom CPU A10 - A13
Example - Just Flowing The Image .

How To Wipe CPU A10 - A13


OPEN Debug Mode

1.Run WIPE ROM EASY A10 - A13.exe and Press any key to continue...

2.Install Driver A10 - A13 (win xp > win7)

3.Press any key to continue...

4.Wait For Reboot Wipe Rom. End ....

5.After Done Auto Close WIPE ROM EASY A10 - A13.exe

How to jailbreak iOS 6 and iOS 6.0.1 with Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7

" jailbreak iOS 6 and iOS 6.0.1 with Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 "

2: Now select the box "Brows An IPSW" & Select the desired ios 6.0 or 6.0.1 ,in tuturial i select 6.0.1.

3: After selecting ipsw the software show that IPSW verified.

4: Now select "Simple Mod "

5: After select Simple Mode, and select Yes to Hacktivation.

6: See Cydi addind ,after this your custom IPSW file will now be created, and it should appear on your desktop.

7: After Done the software will inform about "tetherd boot " and then will put your device in PWN DFU mod becoz custom firmware alwyas resetore in DFU not in Recovey.

open iTunes, and it should detect a device in recovery mode. Select your device from the list of available devices, and hold the Shift key on your keyboard while clicking the Restore. Select the custom IPSW file created by Sn0wBreeze i.e. sn0wbreeze_iPhone_4-GSM-6.0.1-10A523, and click OK

8: Once your device is finished restoring, go through the normal setup process until you arrive at the Home screen. Swipe to the second page, and you should see Cydia. Since this is a tethered jailbreak, you cannot use Cydia until you perform a tethered boot.

9: Place your device back into DFU mode.Open the iBooty folder located on the desktop and run iBooty.

10: Select your device from the drop down menu, and click Start. The device will now tether boot, so that Cydia will be usable once it arrives back at the Home screen.

Once at the Home screen, try opening Cydia. If Cydia opens, congratulations, you’ve successfully jailbroken your device using Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 on Windows.

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With New Driver Version

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