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How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
How To Update Samsung S5222 Star 3 Duos Firmware Using USB Cable And FlashTool
Firmware Update Steps: - Turn your Samsung S5222 off, And take its battery, SIM cards, And MMC card out. - From the flasher folder run FlashTool_E2 exe - To Select the Firmware files from its extracted folder click on (...) button,You have to do so for each file. - The selecting of firmware files must be in the below order:
- S5222xxxxx_psi.fls
- S5222xxxxx_slb.fls
- S5222xxxxx_bin.fls
- S5222xxxxx_cds.fls
- S5222xxxxxx.dffs
- Now Check these settings:
Custom Order (Must be checked).
Erases Calibration! : Select (Erase whole flash before download).
Baud Rate: 921600
Communication Driver: Infineon USB Driver.
- Now you can click on Next button, And a new window will appear. - Click on Start USB1 button. - Now you have to connect your Samsung S5222 to PC using the USB cable. - There are more than one way to connect your phone, You can try any one of the following:
1- With the phone's battery in, Press and hold Home key then connect the USB cable to it. 2- With the phone's battery in, Press and hold Volume Down + Volume Up keys, Then connect the USB cable to it. 3- Connect the USB cable to phone without battery, After it is detected you can insert the battery.
- After the FlashTool starts the update process you have to wait for some minutes. - When the operation is done, You will see a Success word, And that means it was done right. - Disconnect the USB cable from phone. - With your Samsung Star 3 Duos on
FlashTool_E2:::::::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3750_C3650_FlashTool_E2_XMM2150.rar
firmware:::S5222 Star 3 Duos
- S5222XXLAF / XELAE Russia
- S5222XELC3 Russia
- S5222XELL1 Russia
Firmware Update Steps: - Turn your Samsung S5222 off, And take its battery, SIM cards, And MMC card out. - From the flasher folder run FlashTool_E2 exe - To Select the Firmware files from its extracted folder click on (...) button,You have to do so for each file. - The selecting of firmware files must be in the below order:
- S5222xxxxx_psi.fls
- S5222xxxxx_slb.fls
- S5222xxxxx_bin.fls
- S5222xxxxx_cds.fls
- S5222xxxxxx.dffs
- Now Check these settings:
Custom Order (Must be checked).
Erases Calibration! : Select (Erase whole flash before download).
Baud Rate: 921600
Communication Driver: Infineon USB Driver.
- Now you can click on Next button, And a new window will appear. - Click on Start USB1 button. - Now you have to connect your Samsung S5222 to PC using the USB cable. - There are more than one way to connect your phone, You can try any one of the following:
1- With the phone's battery in, Press and hold Home key then connect the USB cable to it. 2- With the phone's battery in, Press and hold Volume Down + Volume Up keys, Then connect the USB cable to it. 3- Connect the USB cable to phone without battery, After it is detected you can insert the battery.
- After the FlashTool starts the update process you have to wait for some minutes. - When the operation is done, You will see a Success word, And that means it was done right. - Disconnect the USB cable from phone. - With your Samsung Star 3 Duos on
FlashTool_E2:::::::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3750_C3650_FlashTool_E2_XMM2150.rar
firmware:::S5222 Star 3 Duos
- S5222XXLAF / XELAE Russia
- S5222XELC3 Russia
- S5222XELL1 Russia
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
How To Update Samsung T999 Galaxy S3 Firmware By Using Odin Flasher
Turn off your GS3 T999, Take its battery, SIM card, And MMC card out.
Turn off your GS3 T999, Take its battery, SIM card, And MMC card out.
- Run Odin.exe
- By default the Auto Reboot and F.Reset Time are checked, So keep them checked.
- Open the extracted firmware folder and you will see one big file inside it:
For T999: T999UVDLJC_T999TMBDLJC_T999UVDLJC_HOME.tar.md5
For T999: T999UVDLJC_T999TMBDLJC_T999UVDLJC_HOME.tar.md5
For T999v: KIES_HOME_T999VVLDLL1_T999VYVLDLL1_CL616748_REV04_ user_low_ship.tar.md5
- The files we mentioned are only as example, You can use any version you want.
- The files we mentioned are only as example, You can use any version you want.
- Now click on PDA button at Odin's window and select the above firmware file.
- Put the battery into your phone, But do not turn it on.
- To put your GS3 T999 into download mode follow these steps:
Press and Hold Volume Down key, Then press Power key until you get the warning message on your phone's screen.
Press and Hold Volume Down key, Then press Power key until you get the warning message on your phone's screen.
- Release both keys and press Volume Up key to be in Download Mod
Firmware t999:::
Firmware t999v:::
T999VVLDLL1 / YVLDLL1 GLW Canada Wind Mobile
Firmware t999:::
Firmware t999v:::
T999VVLDLL1 / YVLDLL1 GLW Canada Wind Mobile
- T999VVLDLL1 / YVLDLL1 MCT Canada Mobilicity
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
How To Update Samsung S5301 Galaxy Pocket Plus Firmware Using Odin Program
Turn off your Galaxy Pocket Plus and take out its battery, SIM card, And MMC card.
Turn off your Galaxy Pocket Plus and take out its battery, SIM card, And MMC card.
- Run Odin.exe program.
- You will notice that Auto Reboot and F.Reset Time options are checked, Leave them as they are.
- In case you have or need to flash *.PIT file then check Re.Partition option, Otherwise leave it unchecked.
- In the next steps you will select the needed firmware files from the extracted firmware folder.
- Click PIT button and select the S5301 *.pit file (If you checked Re.Partition option).
- Click PDA button to select CODE_S5301xxxxxx_...REV02_...tar.md5
- Click PHONE button to select MODEM_S5301xxxxxx_...REV02_....tar.md5
- Click CSC button to select CSC_Oxx_S5301xxxxxx_...REV02_....tar.md5
- Click PDA button to select CODE_S5301xxxxxx_...REV02_...tar.md5
- Click PHONE button to select MODEM_S5301xxxxxx_...REV02_....tar.md5
- Click CSC button to select CSC_Oxx_S5301xxxxxx_...REV02_....tar.md5
- In case you have only one big file inside the firmware package, Then you need to select it as PDA file, And never check Re.Partition option or use *.pit file.
- Put the battery back into your phone, But do not turn it on.
- You should put the phone into Download Mode, Do these steps for that:Press and Hold Volume Down key + Home key, Then press Power key.
S5301XXALJ7 / OXXALJ8 LUX Luxembourg
- S5301XXALJ8 / PROALK1 Belgium/Luxemburg
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 TUR Turkey
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 XSG United Arab Emirates
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 JED Saudi Arabia
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 KSA Saudi Arabia
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 EGY Egypt
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 XFA South Africa
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 XFE South Africa
- S5301XXALK3 / OJVALK2 XFV South Africa Vodafone
- S5301XXALL1 / OXFALL1 SEB Baltic
- S5301XXAMA3 / NEEAMA1 Nordic
- S5301XXAMA3 / OMNAMA1 Italy Vodafone
- S5301XXAMA3 / WINAMA1 Italy Wind
- S5301XXAMA3 / OJVAMA2 Arabic
- S5301ZSAMA7 / OZSAMA7 TGY Hong Kong
flasher::::I9300_Odin3_v3.04 - Download - 4shared
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
How To Update Samsung S5690 Galaxy Xcover Firmware To The Latest Official Firmware Version
Turn off the phone and take out its battery, SIM card, And Memory card too.
Turn off the phone and take out its battery, SIM card, And Memory card too.
- Run Odin.exe program.
- In case you have *.pit file of Samsung S5690 and the firmware package that you downloaded is a complete one, Then check Re-Partition option, Otherwise leave it unchecked.
- Click PIT button and select: Marvell_Partition.pit
- Click BOOTLOADER button to select: BOOT_S5690xxxxx.tar.md5
- Click PDA button to select: PDA_S5690xxxxx.tar.md5
- Click PHONE button to select: MODEM_S5690xxxxx.tar.md5
- Click CSC button to select: GT-S5690-MULTI-CSC-Oxxxxx.tar.md5
- Put the phone's battery back but do not turn it on.
- Now you have to connect your phone to PC in Download Mode, To do so Press and Hold Volume Down Key + Home Key, Then connect USB cable to phone, Keep pressing these keys until Odin detects your phone.
- S5690AILL2 / TIMLL1 Italy TIM
- S5690BOLE2 / DTMLE2 Germany T-Mobile
- S5690BOLL1 / DTMLK1 Germany T-Mobile
- S5690BVLD1 / OROLD1 Romania Orange
- S5690BVLF2 / OROLF2 Romania Orange
- S5690BVLF2 / FTMLF2 France Orange
- S5690BVLF2 / ORALF2 UK Orange
- S5690BVLF2 / TMULF2 UK T-Mobile
- S5690BVLL2 / OROLL2 Romania Orange
- S5690BVLL2 / ORALL2 UK Orange
- S5690BVLL2 / TMULL2 UK T-Mobile
- S5690XXKL1 / DBTKK1 Germany
- S5690XXKL1 / XEFKK1 France
- S5690XXKL1 / OXFKL1 BGL Bulgaria
- S5690XXKL1 / LUXKK1 Luxembourg
- S5690XXKL1 / XENKK1 Netherlands
- S5690XXKL1 / PROKL1 Belgium - Luxemburg
- S5690XXKL3 / NEEKK8 Nordic Countries
- S5690XXLA1 / OXFKL2 COA Romania
- S5690XXLA1 / OXFKL2 SIM Slovenia Si.mobil
- S5690XXLA6 / DBTKK1 Germany
- S5690XXLA6 / DRELA1 Austria 3 Hutchison
- S5690XXLA6 / MOTKK3 Slovenia Mobitel
- S5690XXLA6 / TMNLA2 Portugal
- S5690XXLB7 / PROLB1 Belgium
- S5690XXLB7 / PROLB1 Belgium/Luxemburg
- S5690XXLC1 / XEOLC1 Poland
- S5690XXLE4 / NEELE1 Nordic
- S5690XXLE5 / XEULF1 UK - Ireland
- S5690XXLE5 / DBTLF1 Germany
- S5690XXLE5 / ATOLF1 Austria
- S5690XXLE5 / AUTLF1 Switzerland
- S5690XXLE5 / TCLLF1 Portugal Vodafone
- S5690XXLE5 / OXXLE5 TPH Portugal
- S5690XXLE5 / OXXLE5 XEH Hungary
- S5690XXLE5 / OXXLE5 XSK Slovakia
- S5690XXLE5 / OXELF1 Russia Complete
- S5690XXLG1 / DRELA1 Austria 3 Hutchison
- S5690XXLG3 / NEELE1 Nordic
- S5690XXLG3 / XEFLH1 France
- S5690XXLG3 / ATOLH1 Austria
- S5690XXLG3 / OXELF1 SER Russia
- S5690XXLJ2 / NEELE1 Nordic
- S5690XXLJ2 / DBTLJ1 Germany
- S5690XXLJ2 / XEFLJ1 France
- S5690XXLJ2 / XEULJ2 UK / Ireland
- S5690XXLJ2 / MOTLJ1 Slovenia Mobitel
- S5690XXLJ2 / HTSLC1 Sweden 3
- S5690XXLJ2 / TENLB1 Norway Telenor
- S5690XXLJ2 / ATOLH1 Austria
- S5690XXLJ2 / ONELH1 Austria Orange
- S5690XXLK3 / VNZLL1 New Zealand Vodafone
- S5690XXLL1 / OXXLL1 XEH Hungary
- S5690XXLL1 / ATOLL1 Austria
- S5690XXLL1 / AUTLL1 Switzerland
- S5690XXLL1 / DBTLL1 Germany
- S5690XXLL1 / TENLL1 Norway Telenor
- S5690XXLL1 / NEELE1 Nordic
- S5690XXLL1 / ONELL1 Austria Orange
- S5690XXLL1 / DRELA1 Austria 3 Hutchison
- S5690XXLL1 / LUXLL1 Luxembourg
- S5690XXLL1 / MOTLJ1 Slovenia Mobitel
- S5690XXLL1 / SEBLH1 Baltic
- S5690XXLL1 / XEOLC1 Poland
- S5690XXLL1 / METLJ1 Ireland Meteor
- S5690XXLL1 / PROLL1 Belgium Luxemburg
- S5690XXLL1 / SWCLA3 Switzerland Swisscom
- S5690XXLL1 / EPLLL1 Germany E-Plus
- S5690XXLL1 / XENLJ1 Netherlands
- S5690XXLL1 / XEULL1 UK / Ireland
- S5690XXLL1 / OXELF1 SER Russia
- S5690XXLL1 / OXELF1 SEK Ukraine Kyivstar
- S5690XXLL1 / OXELF1 VHC Ukraine
- S5690XXMA1 / XEFMA1 France
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
How To Update Samsung S3850 Corby II Firmware Using Multiloader Program and USB Cable
Turn off your Samsung S3850 and take out its battery, SIM Card, And MMC card too.
Turn off your Samsung S3850 and take out its battery, SIM Card, And MMC card too.
- Run Multiloader.exe program.
- Select BRCM2133 as CPU type.
- In case you want or need to flash Boot files too, Then check Full Download option, Otherwise leave it unchecked.
- Now you have to select the following files from the extracted firmware folder:
Click Boot button to select the complete Boot files folder.
Click Boot button to select the complete Boot files folder.
Click Apps button to select: apps_compressed.bin
Click Rsrc1 button to select: Rsrc_S3850_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common.rc1
Click Rsrc2 button to select: Rsrc2_S3850(Low).rc2
Click Factory FS button to select: FactoryFs_S3850_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common.ffs
Click CSC button to select: CSC_S3850_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common_Oxx.csc
Click SHP APP button to select: ShpApp.app
- Put the phone's battery back but do not turn it on.
- Put your phone into Download Mode:
Press and Hold Volume Down Key + Send Key then press Power Key.
Firmware:::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: S3850XXKC2_OXA.rar
Flasher:::MultiLoader V5.67 - Download - 4shared
Firmware:::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: S3850XXKC2_OXA.rar
Flasher:::MultiLoader V5.67 - Download - 4shared
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
Samsung S6312 Firmware Update Steps:
- Make sure that your phone's battery has at least 90% of charging level. - Turn your phone off. - Take out your phone's battery, SIM Card, And memory card. - Run Odin.exe program. - Make sure that Auto Reboot, F.Reset Time options are checked. - At this step you have to select the firmware files from its extracted folder:
Click PDA button to select CODE_S6312xxxxxx_900805_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.md 5 Click PHONE button to select MODEM_S6312xxxxxx_900805_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.m d5 Click CSC button to select CSC_Oxx_S6312Oxxxxxx_894543_REV03_user_low_ship.ta r.md5
- Put your phone's battery back but don't turn it on. - To put your phone into Download Mode:
Press and Hold Volume Down key + Home key, Then press Power key until you see the warning message on phone's screen, Now release all keys and press Volume Up key.
- Connect the USB cable to phone and PC. - Wait for windows for detecting it, And installing any needed drivers. - When Odin program correctly detects the phone, You will see 0:[COMxx] when xx are numbers. - To begin the update click on Start button. - Your phone will be rebooted by Odin program after installing the new firmware files into your phone, And you can see PASS!
Odin flasher here::::::Odin307 - Download - 4shared
Firmwares: Android 4.1.2: - S6312XXAMB2 / OXEAMB1 SER Russia - S6312XXAMB2 / OXEAMB1 SEK Ukraine Kyivstar - S6312XXAMB2 / OXXAMA9 DBT Germany - S6312XXAMB2 / OXFAMB1 COA Romania Cosmote - S6312XXAMB9 / OXEAMB1 SER Russia - S6312XXAMB9 / OXFAMB1 COA Romania Cosmote - S6312XXAMBG / OXEAMB1 SER Russia - S6312XXAMBG / OXXAMA9 DBT Germany - S6312XXAMC1 / OJVAMB2 EGY Egypt - S6312XXAMC1 / OJVAMB2 XSG United Arab Emirates
- Make sure that your phone's battery has at least 90% of charging level. - Turn your phone off. - Take out your phone's battery, SIM Card, And memory card. - Run Odin.exe program. - Make sure that Auto Reboot, F.Reset Time options are checked. - At this step you have to select the firmware files from its extracted folder:
Click PDA button to select CODE_S6312xxxxxx_900805_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.md 5 Click PHONE button to select MODEM_S6312xxxxxx_900805_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.m d5 Click CSC button to select CSC_Oxx_S6312Oxxxxxx_894543_REV03_user_low_ship.ta r.md5
- Put your phone's battery back but don't turn it on. - To put your phone into Download Mode:
Press and Hold Volume Down key + Home key, Then press Power key until you see the warning message on phone's screen, Now release all keys and press Volume Up key.
- Connect the USB cable to phone and PC. - Wait for windows for detecting it, And installing any needed drivers. - When Odin program correctly detects the phone, You will see 0:[COMxx] when xx are numbers. - To begin the update click on Start button. - Your phone will be rebooted by Odin program after installing the new firmware files into your phone, And you can see PASS!
Odin flasher here::::::Odin307 - Download - 4shared
Firmwares: Android 4.1.2: - S6312XXAMB2 / OXEAMB1 SER Russia - S6312XXAMB2 / OXEAMB1 SEK Ukraine Kyivstar - S6312XXAMB2 / OXXAMA9 DBT Germany - S6312XXAMB2 / OXFAMB1 COA Romania Cosmote - S6312XXAMB9 / OXEAMB1 SER Russia - S6312XXAMB9 / OXFAMB1 COA Romania Cosmote - S6312XXAMBG / OXEAMB1 SER Russia - S6312XXAMBG / OXXAMA9 DBT Germany - S6312XXAMC1 / OJVAMB2 EGY Egypt - S6312XXAMC1 / OJVAMB2 XSG United Arab Emirates
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
Samsung S5380 / S5380D / S5380F / S5380G / S5380K Wave Y / Wave538 Firmwares
Update Steps:
Turn off your Samsung s5380 and take out its battery, SIM Card, And MMC card too.
- Run Multiloader.exe program.
- Select BRCM2153 as CPU type.
- In case you want or need to flash Boot files too, Then check Full Download option, Otherwise leave it unchecked.
- Now you have to select the following files from the extracted firmware folder:
Click Boot button to select the complete Boot files folder.
Click Amss button to select amss.bin
Click Apps button to select: apps_compressed.bin
Click Rsrc1 button to select: Rsrc_S5380_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common.rc1
Click Rsrc2 button to select: Rsrc2_S5380(Low).rc2
Click Factory FS button to select: FactoryFs_S5380_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common.ffs
Click SHP APP button to select: ShpApp.app
Click CSC button to select: CSC_S5380_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common_Oxx.csc
Click FOTA button to select bplib_S5380_OpEuroCommon.fota
- Put the phone's battery back but do not turn it on.
- Put your phone into Download Mode:
Press and Hold Volume Down Key + Home Key then press Power Key.
- Connect USB cable to phone and PC, Then wait until Windows detects it and install the needed drivers for it.
- Click on Search Port button, And Multiloader program will detects the phone's Com port number.
- Now you can start the update by clicking Download button.
MultiLoader here::::::MultiLoader V5.67 - Download - 4shared
S5380 Firmwares:
- S5380AELH1 / SFRLH1 France SFR
- S5380AGKK5 / BOGKK3 France Bouygues
- S5380AGLH1 / BOGLH1 France Bouygues
- S5380AGLJ1 / BOGLH1 France Bouygues
- S5380MSLE1 / XEULE1 Ireland / UK
- S5380NALH1 / NRJLH1 France NRJ
- S5380XEKK4 Russia
- S5380XXKK4 / OXCKK1 PHE Spain
- S5380XXKK4 / OXDKK1 XEZ Czech
- S5380XXKK4 / OXDKL1 O2C Czech O2
- S5380XXLC1 / OXALC2 XEF France
- S5380XXLC1 / OXFLD1 SEB Baltic
Samsung S5380D Firmwares:
- S5380DAILD1 / TIMLD1 Italy TIM
- S5380DCXKL1 / PLSKL1 Poland Plus
- S5380DCXKL2 / PLSKL2 Poland Plus
- S5380DDXKK6 / OLBKK3 Southeast Asia
- S5380DJPKL1 Arabic
- S5380DJVKK4 / OJVKK2 Turkey
- S5380DJVKK4 / OJVKK2 XFE South Africa
- S5380DNELC1 / HUILC1 Italy H3G
- S5380DNVKL1 / BSEKL1 Belgium
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXAKK1
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXAKK1 ITV Italy
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXCKL2 TPH Portugal
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXEKK1 Russia
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXEKK1 SEK Ukraine Kyivstar
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXEKK1 VHC Ukraine
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXFKL4 COA Romania Cosmote
- S5380DXXKK4 / WINLA1 Italy Wind
- S5380DXXLA1 / OXDLA1 VDH Hungary
- S5380DXXLA3 / OMNLA3 Italy Vodafonel
- S5380DXXLB1 / OXDLB1 XSK Slovakia
- S5380DXXLC1 / OXFLE1 TOP Serbia VIP
- S5380DXXLF1 / OXELC1 SER Russia
- S5380DZCLG1 / OZCLG1 CHN China
- S5380DZHLB1 / ZZHLB1 TGY Hong Kong
- S5380DZLLB3 / ZZLLB4 BRI Taiwan
- S5380DZTLB1 / ZZTLB2 BRI Taiwan
Samsung S5380F Firmwares:
- S5380FXXKL / OXEKL2 Russia
Samsung S5380G Firmwares:
- S5380GBHLD2 / DBTLD2 Germany
- S5380GXXLC1 / OXALC1
Samsung S5380K Firmwares:
- S5380KDDLH1 / ODDLH1 INU India
Update Steps:
Turn off your Samsung s5380 and take out its battery, SIM Card, And MMC card too.
- Run Multiloader.exe program.
- Select BRCM2153 as CPU type.
- In case you want or need to flash Boot files too, Then check Full Download option, Otherwise leave it unchecked.
- Now you have to select the following files from the extracted firmware folder:
Click Boot button to select the complete Boot files folder.
Click Amss button to select amss.bin
Click Apps button to select: apps_compressed.bin
Click Rsrc1 button to select: Rsrc_S5380_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common.rc1
Click Rsrc2 button to select: Rsrc2_S5380(Low).rc2
Click Factory FS button to select: FactoryFs_S5380_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common.ffs
Click SHP APP button to select: ShpApp.app
Click CSC button to select: CSC_S5380_xxxx_xxxxxx_Common_Oxx.csc
Click FOTA button to select bplib_S5380_OpEuroCommon.fota
- Put the phone's battery back but do not turn it on.
- Put your phone into Download Mode:
Press and Hold Volume Down Key + Home Key then press Power Key.
- Connect USB cable to phone and PC, Then wait until Windows detects it and install the needed drivers for it.
- Click on Search Port button, And Multiloader program will detects the phone's Com port number.
- Now you can start the update by clicking Download button.
MultiLoader here::::::MultiLoader V5.67 - Download - 4shared
S5380 Firmwares:
- S5380AELH1 / SFRLH1 France SFR
- S5380AGKK5 / BOGKK3 France Bouygues
- S5380AGLH1 / BOGLH1 France Bouygues
- S5380AGLJ1 / BOGLH1 France Bouygues
- S5380MSLE1 / XEULE1 Ireland / UK
- S5380NALH1 / NRJLH1 France NRJ
- S5380XEKK4 Russia
- S5380XXKK4 / OXCKK1 PHE Spain
- S5380XXKK4 / OXDKK1 XEZ Czech
- S5380XXKK4 / OXDKL1 O2C Czech O2
- S5380XXLC1 / OXALC2 XEF France
- S5380XXLC1 / OXFLD1 SEB Baltic
Samsung S5380D Firmwares:
- S5380DAILD1 / TIMLD1 Italy TIM
- S5380DCXKL1 / PLSKL1 Poland Plus
- S5380DCXKL2 / PLSKL2 Poland Plus
- S5380DDXKK6 / OLBKK3 Southeast Asia
- S5380DJPKL1 Arabic
- S5380DJVKK4 / OJVKK2 Turkey
- S5380DJVKK4 / OJVKK2 XFE South Africa
- S5380DNELC1 / HUILC1 Italy H3G
- S5380DNVKL1 / BSEKL1 Belgium
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXAKK1
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXAKK1 ITV Italy
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXCKL2 TPH Portugal
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXEKK1 Russia
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXEKK1 SEK Ukraine Kyivstar
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXEKK1 VHC Ukraine
- S5380DXXKK4 / OXFKL4 COA Romania Cosmote
- S5380DXXKK4 / WINLA1 Italy Wind
- S5380DXXLA1 / OXDLA1 VDH Hungary
- S5380DXXLA3 / OMNLA3 Italy Vodafonel
- S5380DXXLB1 / OXDLB1 XSK Slovakia
- S5380DXXLC1 / OXFLE1 TOP Serbia VIP
- S5380DXXLF1 / OXELC1 SER Russia
- S5380DZCLG1 / OZCLG1 CHN China
- S5380DZHLB1 / ZZHLB1 TGY Hong Kong
- S5380DZLLB3 / ZZLLB4 BRI Taiwan
- S5380DZTLB1 / ZZTLB2 BRI Taiwan
Samsung S5380F Firmwares:
- S5380FXXKL / OXEKL2 Russia
Samsung S5380G Firmwares:
- S5380GBHLD2 / DBTLD2 Germany
- S5380GXXLC1 / OXALC1
Samsung S5380K Firmwares:
- S5380KDDLH1 / ODDLH1 INU India
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
Samsung C3782 Firmware Update Steps:
- Check that your phone's battery has at least 90% of charging level. - Turn your phone off.
- Take out its battery, SIM card, And memory card.
- From the Extracted FlashLoader program run bfloader.exe
- Click Set Model button and selectC3782_Evan_Setting_v00_production.mdl
- Click Main Partition button.
- At the opened window click on Browse button to select C3782OPEN.ptt file from the extracted firmware BIN folder, Then click OK.
- Click CSC button.
- At the opened window click on Browse button to select C3782OPEN.ptt file from the extracted firmware CSC folder, Then click OK.
- Click START button.
- Put your phone's battery back but do not turn it on.
- Press and Hold 1 + 3 keys and connect the USB cable to it, And wait until the FlashLoader program detects the phone and then you can release the both keys.
- In case FlashLoader program does not detect it from the first time, Try it one more time by removing the battery and put it again, Then repeat the previous step.
- After the FlashLoader starts the update process don't touch the phone, And never stop the process or remove the USB cable.
- Wait for the process to be done, And the FlashLoader program will show you this message "Slot freed for new download", And the Download Status box will become green.
- Now you can disconnect USB cable from phone.
C3782 Evan Duos
C3782XXLD2 / OXELD2 Russia
C3782XXLE1 / OXELE1 Russia
C3782XXLK2 Russia
C3782XXMA2 / OXEMA1 Russia
Flash Loader::::::::GT-E2252_Flash Loader 7.5.4 CSC v0.4 Lite - Download - 4shared
- Check that your phone's battery has at least 90% of charging level. - Turn your phone off.
- Take out its battery, SIM card, And memory card.
- From the Extracted FlashLoader program run bfloader.exe
- Click Set Model button and selectC3782_Evan_Setting_v00_production.mdl
- Click Main Partition button.
- At the opened window click on Browse button to select C3782OPEN.ptt file from the extracted firmware BIN folder, Then click OK.
- Click CSC button.
- At the opened window click on Browse button to select C3782OPEN.ptt file from the extracted firmware CSC folder, Then click OK.
- Click START button.
- Put your phone's battery back but do not turn it on.
- Press and Hold 1 + 3 keys and connect the USB cable to it, And wait until the FlashLoader program detects the phone and then you can release the both keys.
- In case FlashLoader program does not detect it from the first time, Try it one more time by removing the battery and put it again, Then repeat the previous step.
- After the FlashLoader starts the update process don't touch the phone, And never stop the process or remove the USB cable.
- Wait for the process to be done, And the FlashLoader program will show you this message "Slot freed for new download", And the Download Status box will become green.
- Now you can disconnect USB cable from phone.
C3782 Evan Duos
C3782XXLD2 / OXELD2 Russia
C3782XXLE1 / OXELE1 Russia
C3782XXLK2 Russia
C3782XXMA2 / OXEMA1 Russia
Flash Loader::::::::GT-E2252_Flash Loader 7.5.4 CSC v0.4 Lite - Download - 4shared
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
Samsung C3752 Duos Firmware Update Steps: - Turn your Samsung C3752 off, And take its battery, SIM cards, And MMC card out.
- From the flasher folder run FlashTool_E2.exe
- To Select the Firmware files from its extracted folder click on (...) button,You have to do so for each file.
- The selecting of firmware files must be in the below order:
- C3752xxxxx_psi.fls
- C3752xxxxx_slb.fls
- C3752xxxxx_BSY.fls
- C3752xxxxx_CDS.fls
- C3752Oxxxxx_CSC.dffs (Or C3752Oxxxxx_dffs.dffs in some versions)
- Now Check these settings:
Custom Order (Must be checked).
Erases Calibration! : Select (Erase whole flash before download).
Baud Rate: 921600
Communication Driver: Infineon USB Driver.
- Now you can click on Next button, And a new window will appear.
- Click on Start USB1 button.
- Now you have to connect your Samsung C3752 to PC using the USB cable.
- There are more than one way to connect your phone, You can try any one of the following:
1- With the phone's battery in, Press (*) key then connect the USB cable to it.
2- Connect the USB cable to phone without battery, After it is detected you can insert the battery.
- After the FlashTool starts the update process you have to wait for some minutes.
- When the operation is done, You will see a Success
Firmware here:::::::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3752XXKE2_XEKE2.rar
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3752JPKE5.rar
FlashTool:::::::::::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3752_FlashTool_E2_OD_468355.rar
- From the flasher folder run FlashTool_E2.exe
- To Select the Firmware files from its extracted folder click on (...) button,You have to do so for each file.
- The selecting of firmware files must be in the below order:
- C3752xxxxx_psi.fls
- C3752xxxxx_slb.fls
- C3752xxxxx_BSY.fls
- C3752xxxxx_CDS.fls
- C3752Oxxxxx_CSC.dffs (Or C3752Oxxxxx_dffs.dffs in some versions)
- Now Check these settings:
Custom Order (Must be checked).
Erases Calibration! : Select (Erase whole flash before download).
Baud Rate: 921600
Communication Driver: Infineon USB Driver.
- Now you can click on Next button, And a new window will appear.
- Click on Start USB1 button.
- Now you have to connect your Samsung C3752 to PC using the USB cable.
- There are more than one way to connect your phone, You can try any one of the following:
1- With the phone's battery in, Press (*) key then connect the USB cable to it.
2- Connect the USB cable to phone without battery, After it is detected you can insert the battery.
- After the FlashTool starts the update process you have to wait for some minutes.
- When the operation is done, You will see a Success
Firmware here:::::::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3752XXKE2_XEKE2.rar
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3752JPKE5.rar
FlashTool:::::::::::Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: C3752_FlashTool_E2_OD_468355.rar
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
Samsung Galaxy Fame Firmware Update Steps:S6810
- After downloading the needed files and programs, Extract any zipped one, And install the USB drivers, Then it is better to restart your computer.
- Check your phone's battery (Must be at least at 90%).
- Turn Off the phone.
- Take out the phone's battery, SIM card, And memory card too.
- Run Odin.exe flasher program.
- Auto Reboot, F.Reset Time options must be checked.
- In case you need to flash *.PIT file too, Then check Re-Partition option.
- Click on PIT button and select: nevisp.pit file (only when Re-Partition is checked).
- Now you are going to select the firmware files from its extracted folder:
Click Bootloader button to select: BOOT_S6810xxxxxx_REV00.tar.md5
Click Bootloader button to select: BOOT_S6810xxxxxx_REV00.tar.md5
Click PDA button to select: CODE_S6810xxxxxx_xxxx_REV00_...tar.md5
Click PHONE button to select: MODEM_S6810xxxxxx_REV00.tar.md5
Click CSC button to select: CSC_Oxx_S6810xxxxxx_xxxx_REV00_...tar.md5
- Put the phone's battery back, But do not turn it on.
- To put the Galaxy Fame into Download Mode you have to:
Press and Hold Volume Down key + Home key, Then press Power key.
Press and Hold Volume Down key + Home key, Then press Power key.
- Connect it to the computer via the USB cable, And wait for it to be detected.
- Odin will detect the Com number of your phone, It will look like this 0:[COMxx].
- Click on Start button.
- Odin program will start installing the selected firmware files into your Galaxy Fame.
- You have to wait for some minutes, But don't interrupt the process at all.
- Your phone will be rebooted after the process is done.
- If it was a successful update, You will see PASS!
S6810P Firmwares:
Android 4.1.2:
S6810P Firmwares:
Android 4.1.2:
- S6810PXXAMAA / OXAAMAA PHN Netherlands
- S6810PXXAMAB / ATOAMB1 ATO Austria
- S6810PXXAMAB / OXXAMA3 COA Romania Cosmote
- S6810PXXAMAB / OXXAMA3 DBT Germany
- S6810PXXAMAB / OXXAMA3 MSR Serbia Telenor
- S6810PXXAMAB / OXXAMA3 XEH Hungary
- S6810PXXAMB1 / OXXAMB1 NEE Nordic
- S6810PXXAMB1 / ITVAMB1 Italy
- S6810PXXAMB1 / OXXAMB2 XEO Poland
- S6810PXXAMB5 / O2UAMB2 UK O2
- S6810PXXAMC2 / CNXAMC1 Romania Vodafone
- S6810PXXAMC2 / GBLAMC1 Bulgaria
Android 4.1.2:
- S6810XXAMB3 / OXEAMB3 SEK Ukraine Kyivstar
- S6810XXAMB3 / OXEAMB3 SER Russia
- S6810XXAMB3 / OJVAMB1 EGY Egypt
How To Update Samsung Using USB Cable
Samsung T889 Firmware Update Steps:
- Make sure of the charging level of your phone's battery (90% at least).
- Turn the phone off.
- Take out its battery, SIM card, And memory card.
- From Odin flasher folder run Odin.exe
- Leave the checked options as they are (Auto Reboot, F.Reset Time).
- Click on PDA button to select the firmware file from its extracted folder:
KIES_HOME_T889UVBMB4_T889TMBBMB4_935627_REV04_user _low_ship.tar.md5
(The above file name and version is an example only)
- Put the phone into Download Mode:
KIES_HOME_T889UVBMB4_T889TMBBMB4_935627_REV04_user _low_ship.tar.md5
(The above file name and version is an example only)
- Put the phone into Download Mode:
Press and Hold Volume Down key + Home key, Then press Power key until you get the warning message on screen. Release all keys and press Volume Up key to be in Download Mode.
- Connect the USB cable to your phone and PC.
- Connect the USB cable to your phone and PC.
- If Odin program detects the phone, You will see its COM port number 0:[COMxx]
- Now you are ready for updating your Samsung T889, Just click on Start button.
- Odin flasher will start installing the firmware files into your Galaxy Note II.
- Your phone will be rebooted after finishing the update process.
- Look at Odin's window and if you see the word PASS!,
T889 Firmwares:
Android 4.1.1:
T889 Firmwares:
Android 4.1.1:
Android 4.1.2:
How To Update Samsung
Samsung T779 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Firmware Update Steps:
- Turn your phone off.
- Turn your phone off.
- Take out its battery, SIM card, And microSD card too.
- Run Odin.exe program.
- You need to check only these two options: Auto Reboot + F.Reset Time
- Never check Re.Partition option, Unless you have Full firmware package and PIT file.
- Click on PDA button to select the single firmware update file which is located into the extracted firmware folder.
- Put the phone's battery back, But don't turn it on.
- You need to put the phone into Download Mode before connect it to PC:
Press and Hold Volume Down key then press Power key for 10 seconds, After you get the yellow triangle on screen release both keys and press Volume Up key.
T779 Firmwares:
Android 4.0.4:
T779 Firmwares:
Android 4.0.4:
Android 4.1.2:
- T779UVTMC1 / TMBMC1 TMB USA T-Mobileodin here
S5360_Downloader - Download - 4shared
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