All About Mobiles

nokia c2-01 earphone not working

If earpiece speaker is not working in Nokia C2-01 this post will help you to solve speaker problem. Speaker may have low voice or noise in it. And may be speaker earpiece not work totally.
nokia c2-01 earphone not working
In all above problems you can check ear piece speaker in starting stage and then check tracks and parts that are identified in above diagram to solve ear piece speaker of Nokia C2-01.
Check all these parts with meter and if any of the above tracks is missing apply jumper there. If some components are missing replace them with new.

nokia c2-01 keypad ic jumper

Nokia C2-01 keypad is not working, Missing keys, Duplicate Keys, Keypad Ic Solution, is possible by following a few steps that are provided in this post and image bellow.
nokia c2-01 keypad ic jumper
If a mobile phone is water damage keys will not work or duplicate keys will be press by a single push. So after dis assemble of Nokia C2-01 keep a look at the whole mother board and apply electronics cleaner and clean it with soft brush.
Apply heat so that the mother board can be dry. Then check all these tracks that are given in above diagram in different colors. If any of them is missing you can apply jumpers. All different color lines are outer and inner point of key pad to keypad ic prints.
You can replace keypad ic and may can apply keypad ic jumpers as shown in above diagram.

nokia c2-01 mic solution

If Nokia C2-01 mic is not working then you can slow it easily in a few steps that I am going to post in this post. If mic is not working we can not record our voice and it can not reached to the destination during voice call.During video recording our voice will not be recorded due to this fault.
nokia c2-01 mic solution
In above diagram you can see mic tracks these parts are used in mic function and you have to check them with meter if any of them is missing apply jumpers where required.
If parts are burn or damage then you have to replace these parts.

Nokia E5 earphone speaker problem Jumper Ways Solution

if some of these TROUBLESHOOTING
No peace eare speaker voice does not work or a low volume of the speaker this diagram shows that there are two primary colors red and blue both show two important links of the speaker used in speaker function

so that it prints to verify shows the links in the electronic meter and continuity it means printing works ok and you have to change the speaker to speaker monitor with one meter or replace the last step of this new resistors shown Chart Data in this hot and resold to check or replace this resistance, so peace eare speaker problem can be solved in the Nokia e5easily.

Nokia E5 Solution for Headset Audio Problem handfree Jumper Ways

if hand free is not working with nokia e5 or you may find a hand free singe even a hand free is not plunged in.thsi can be due to hand free jack and also there may can be a water damage or some rust in mobile phone.

so check all these points that are defined in diagram with different colors that is posted in this post.make these jumpers if any of them is broken link.also you can short these two small ic.that are used in had free function.or you may can replace them it is recommended to replace but you may can jumper them if not available.
Nokia E5 earphone speaker problem Jumper Ways Solution

Nokia E5 keypad problem solution ways jumpers track

If the keyboard does not work in Nokia c2-01 or a few keys do not work you can solve this problem in a few steps that are defined in this daigaram Beelow that is given in this post.check all these tracks that can be defined with different colors in the chart,

so you can find all the keys inside and outre inner and outers the same color used for the same key have the same meaning if any button does not work you can change the outer and inner jumper with a different point same side of diagram you can see the important link that goes to ristance capastor or if the same color is used to them.

Nokia E5 keypad illumination LED Backlight problem solution

you can resolve this problem in a few steps that are define in this diagram that is given below in this post.check all these tracks that are define with different colors in diagram so that you can find inner and outer keys all inner

Nokia E5 keypad problem solution ways jumpers track
if keypad is not working in nokia e5 or a few keys is not working then and outer that have same color are used for same key that have same means if any key is not working you can make its outer and inner jumper with any other point that have same right side here is a little box that shows keypad ic so you may have to reball them and may replace these two ic if key pad is not working in nokia e5.

Nokia 1280 led lcd display light solution jumpers ways

Nokia 1280 led lcd display light solution jumpers this diagram all links and ways are defined with different colors so that can be identified easily so check all these link with electronic meter and if any or them is broken make these jumpers to solve light led display problem in nokia 1280.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 1616 lcd display led lights problem solution ways jumpers.

Nokia 1616 lcd display led lights problem solution ways jumpers can be found in this diagram that is given bellow all track of led lights in nokia 1616 is given in this diagram and defined with different colors so can be found easily by make these jumpers and check all this track and components that are used in diagram to solve led light and display lights solution with jumpers in nokia 1616.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia x6 power switch button ways jumpers solution problem.

if charging is ok but not getting power on nokia x6 it means the power switch is not working ok so you have to change power switch button in this situation in nokia x6.if power button is damage and prints are also damage this diagram is too much useful it this make these jumpers as shown in diagram attached with this post.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

nokia 5800 power switch button ways jumpers solution

nokia 5800 charging ok buton no power on problem can be due to power switch please remove the old power switch button and replace with new one.if button prints are also damaged then you can see this diagram and make this jumper as shown in diagram given in this will help you to solve power problem in nokia 5800 even in this situation while power button switch prints are damage.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

nokia c2-01 charging solution

If nokia C2-01 is not charging, Fake charging, Charging not save, then you can solve these problems in a few steps that I am going to write in this post. When you plug in charging pin of Nokia C2-01 and do not show any notification it can be cause of missing parts.
nokia c2-01 charging solution
If it shows notification Charger not supported it can be cause of Resistance 47K.
If notification shows not charging it can be due to missing values.So after dis assembly of Nokia C2-01 check charging pin base. Check charging points on the mother board.Check all these tracks that are given in above diagram and if any of these tracks is missing apply jumpers on the mother board.

nokia c2-01 insert sim solution

Nokia C2-01 Insert Sim problem can be due to water damages or burn parts. If any part is missing that can also be cause of insert sim problem in it. To solve insert sim problem in Nokia C2-01 diagram bellow will help you to fintd out parts that are used in sim function in Nokia C2-01.
nokia c2-01 insert sim solution
Check all these parts and tracks that are identified in above diagram with different color lines. Find out missing tracks and apply jumpers if required. Change parts that are missing or damage.
Different color lines show different print tracks so keep in mind these colors when apply jumpers. Do not mach all these they can make the set short.

nokia c2-01 ringer problem solution tested

In case of Ringer problem in Nokia C2-01 ringing voice will be low or noise in it. In some cases ringer will not work totally. This ringer problem can be cause of water damages or burn parts.
nokia c2-01 ringer problem solution tested
The above diagram will show you all the parts and tracks that are being used in ringer function of Nokia C2-01. So check all these tracks that are identified with pink and parrot green color lines.
Make sure if any print is missing apply jumper there or if any component is missing replace it with new one.

Nokia n85 mic problem is solve and jumpers are here

if you have mice problem in nokia n85 the to solve this issue here i am posting a diagram that will help you to solve mic problem in nokia n85.

check all these tracks and links wiht electronics meter and if any of them is missing then make these jumpers all jumpers are in different colors and for strip jack pin numbers are also mentioned so that can find out quickly and easily so make these jumpers and you can place a new mic also in this way.

Nokia N97 Mic ways jumpers solution problem path track.

to solve mic problem in nokia n97 you will need all mic path and track so that you can check where is the fault exist and how to solve it.

here is a diagram to solve mic problem in nokia n97 check all these ways and parts as shown in diagram with electronics meter and if any of them is missing or broken then make jumpers or change those parts.
one print of mic is ground and other three are defined with different colors in diagram so that can be find easily.

Nokia 1202 1203 Ringer Speaker Problem Solved without IC.

to solve ringer speaker earepace problem in nokia 1202 and 1203 without 8 leg ic i am going to post a diagram it is vary usefull diagram and will help you much case you have ringer or speaker earepace problem in nokia 1202 or 1203 remove this ic and make short these two plus two points.

i mean as shown in diagram after removing this ic just make jumper in two point of upper right corner and also a jumper in two boto left will help you to solve ringer problem without 8 leg ic.

Nokia 5800 on off power switch button problem ways jumpers solution.

if nokia 5800 is dead duw to power switch then you can check it with a simple method.plug in nokia charger in nokia 5800 and look at the screen carefully if set is not dead then it will start charging but will not become switch on.

it shows that in this case power switch is not working proper and we have to change power switch in some cases power switch butt on off is damage or may be power button switch button print also got all uper mention cases we can replace a power switch on off button and also can make jumpers as defined in diagram with red and blue colors.

Nokia 1650 display white blue after a few second solution jumpers

Nokia 1650 display white blue after a few second solution jumpers.if nokia 1650 display become blue or white after a few second when you power on set here is the solution just remove these two capacitors as shown in red circle in diagram and then make jumpers as indicated with yellow lines.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 2720 fold keyboard problem fix solution – jack tracks

Here is the Nokia 2720 fold solution for not working keypads problem. This solution provides the connection line paths of the keyboard interface.

if keypad is not working in nokia 2720 fold then it can be solved with this diagram that is attached with this post.all keys are defined with different colors and all keys with same link have same colors in diagram all inner and outer points of key are with same color can be jumper with each other if any of then is not connected with keypad if any key or a set of keys is not working you can make jumpers by following color schema in diagram as shown.

Nokia 2720 fold Power ON-OFF button issue – Jumper Ways Solution

Here is the solution for the Nokia 2720 fold Power On Off Switch or END key problem. This solution can only help determine the 2720 Fold Nokia Mobile Phones, said if the device gives instructions.

nokia 2720 fold power problem can be solved with this diagram easily so look at this diagram and in it you can found outer key is defined with black color that is a ground and the inner key is in red color and can be jumper as shown in find that power key is not working is vary simple just plug in charger and when you plug in charger then if it starts charging then it is the cause of power button ways.this link can be jumpers with insulation wire.

Nokia 1616 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.

Nokia 1616 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 1616 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 1616

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 1616

Nokia 1616 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY”

Nokia 1662 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout

Nokia 1662 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 1662 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 1662

Nokia 1662 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY

Nokia N8 Power Button On Off Switch Not Working Problem solution Ways Jumpers

if you have a nokia n8 dead they may can have a power switch on off problem so please in first step plug in a charger and if nokia n8 is charging proper and well but not getting on it means the main problem can be power switch on off fault.

so for this you have to change power switch button on off button in nokia n8 if prints are also damge in nokia n8 for on off button then here is a full path and track for power switch button in diagram that is attached with this post so check all this path and track for power switch on off button in nokia n8 and if any of these links broken than make these jumpers as shown in diagram with red line while blue color is indicated for ground print.

Nokia N8 Touch Screen Solution Problem Jumper Ways

If touch screen of nokia 8 is not working it can be cause of damage or water damage in it.if you want to solve touch screen problem solution in nokia n8 then look at the diagram bellow.

In above diagram you can see three resistance so if there is any rust carbon then clean this area and touch screen panel jack and leave it to dry for a few seconds and apply hot air so that it can be dry.
If not solved then remove these resistance and apply jumpers as shown in above diagram. it will help you to solve nokia n8 touchscreen problem solution.

Nokia 66oo fold mic problem ways jumpers solution track path.

here is a diagram to help you for the solution of nokia 6600 fold mic problem if you are facing mic problem in nokia 66oo fold then look at the diagram given bellow and make these jumpers all jumpers are defined with different colors in diagram so that you can learn easily all that track and found these parts easily too.

so make these jumpers if any of them is broken or missing and if you are placeing a new mic in it the diagram is also usefull for you to solve mic problem in nokia 6600 fold.

Nokia 6600s slide LCD ic Repair Problem Solution jumpers

this is a diagram to solve display problem in nokia 6600 this problem solution we can do a few first step we may have to check is lcd panal good and om.

so change lcd and check if lcd is not working then check its strip and also check these ic parts and near by area if there is any water rust can resold these parts and if problem can not be solve then you can remove ic and make these jumpers as shown in diagram attached with this post.pins are define in white color and also a pink color is used to show solve display problem in nokia 6600 slide.

Nokia 6600s slide SIM Problem Solution ways jumpers

If you are facing problem with SIM in the Nokia 6600 slide this can be resolved with a few jumpers as shown on the drawing attached to this post.

look on the diagram a few different colored lines that determine the path and bands of sim The points to the SIM the left side of the chart you can see how we can sim ic jumper to insert sim problem in the Nokia 6600 can short ic dots by the color ashamed as given in schedule.

Nokia 6600s not charging problem solution ways jumpers

Nokia 6600s not charging problem solution ways jumpers.if you are facing not charging problem in nokia 6600 slide then you may can follow this diagram to solve charging problem in diagram there are two main colors shown which are red and blue

.blue color is defining ground can be ground with any ground jumper.the red line is define to show all links that are going to resistances and can check charging jack and charger also.some time it can be fault of charger and also charging jack may not attache with board.

Nokia C7 power button on off switch ways jumpers problem solution

Nokia c7 power problem is solved with this chart easy so look at this schedule and it can be found outside button is defined with black color is that one floor and the inner key in red and can be jumper as shown in diagram .

find that the power button does not vary simply just plug in the charger and when you plug in the charger and then it starts to load then the power button causes ways.this link can be jumpers insulated wire .

Nokia 2720 fold Volume Up / Volume Down button Switch Problem-Solution Jumper Ways

If you are looking for the paths connecting the Nokia 2720 fold volume up and volume down button switch, here let the entire circuit connection of these two volume control switches.

if volume up and down key is not working well in nokia 2720 fold then you can solve this keys problem easily by following this diagram that is attached with this diagram upper points of keys are ground that are in black color and the bottom lines are with some different colors and can be find with color lines that where we have to make these makes these jumpers by following the it is defined in diagram with pink and green colors.

Nokia 2720 Fold insert SIM Problem Solution ways jumpers

Here is the Nokia 2720 fold solution for SIM card problems. You can first ensure that the problem exists on the device and not the SIM card, you only need a new prepaid SIM cards as the already damaged.

if you are facing insert sim problem in nokia 2720 fold then this can be solved with a few jumpers as shown in diagram attached with this post.look at the diagram here a few different color lines that are defining path and links of sim points to the insert sim the left side of diagram you can see how we can jumper sim ic to solve insert sim problem in nokia 2720 can short ic points with each other by following color scheme as given in diagram.

Nokia 6600s slide LED LCD light Problem Solution ways jumers

nokia 6600 slide lcd led display light problem can be solved with following these tips and trick as given in this post and also a diagram as attached.

check this jack as define and shown in diagram and also here are two main color lines red and blue so following these two main colors check all links and if any of them is broken then make jumpers as shown in diagram with color may have to change these parts that are shown in diagram like coil and capes tors.this will help you to solve lcd light problem easily with a few steps.

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