All About Mobiles

nokia 5233 Ringer not working problem solution tested

Nokia 5233 ringer problem can be solve with a few steps that are given in diagram bellow so look at diagram bellow to solve love ringer voice, no ringer tones, no ringer working problems in Nokia diagram there are two colors blue and red both colors are defining path of circuit in mobile phone.
nokia 101 insert sim solution

Check ringer and if ringer do not show continuity or a good value with meter then change ringer with new one. Check points on board where ringer have to attaché after put in casing housing.
Then check all these paths as shown in diagram above and if any of them is broken or missing components then apply jumpers as described above. Small circle shows positions where we are able to make jumpers. in these place we can apply jumpers to solve ringer problem in Nokia 5233.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia E72 Restore Factory Hard Reset Format Phone

If you have Nokia E72 problems and want to restore the smartphone then this post will help you to fix cellphone software problems. Due to software problem smartphone can hang, voice issues, data damages, camera stand by and blue tooth and wifi problems.
It will remove all the data ,contacts and apps that you installed
nokia 101 sim ways
In touch screen mobiles it can be software problem also if touch is not working well.To solve these problems try the following steps.
Charge mobile phone battery, Make backup of your impotent contacts data and media files if possible and in most cases take out SIM and SD card.
After reset of Nokia E72 you will lose all the data and it will be impossible to get it online backup is always important. Try to save all your data, backup on external device or hard drive.
So lets start the Nokia E72 Restore Factory, Nokia E72 Hard Reset.
Turn Off the mobile phone for few mints.
Make it Power On
You can format your device by typing *#7370# in standby mode. Before the device is reset, you need to provide the lock code. The default lock code is 12345.

Nokia C2-08 Lcd Display Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

Nokia C2-08 Blank Lcd Display, Nokia C2-08 White Lcd Display, Nokia C2-08 Lcd Jack Damage Prints Missing.
To solve lcd display problem in Nokia C2-08 we have required a few tools and components.
Nokia screw Driver t5 and t4 for opening screw .
Lcd panel for Nokia C2-08
Electronics Cleaner for rust or water damage.
Hot air to dry the mother board.
Lcd Jack if we have to replace it.
Nokia 5233 volume up down not working solution
Nokia C2-08 Lcd Display Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

Diagnosting & Solution:
After disassemble of Nokia C2-08 remove lcd and check lcd jack and its near by area for rust or water damages.
If here is some carbon on parts or at lcd jack.
Apply electronics cleaner and dry it with hot air for a few mint.
Do not apply so much heat it can harm your skin and mother board parts also.
Check with Lcd and if it is still blank replace with new one.
It might be possible that lcd jack pins are missing or not getting connected with lcd so change it.
Check all these links as given in above diagram in different colors so that you can find them easily.
Do not apply to much heat it can damage the mother board.
Make sure mother board is dry proper when you apply electronics clean.
Check Lcd jack and when removing it make sure solder has been melt.
If solder has not proper melt and you try to remove lcd jack prints might be damage.
When you replace lcd make sure lcd strip is proper fixed.
It can be damage when you assemble the phone if not in proper place.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-08 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone

Nokia C2-08 Mic not working, Microphone is not working in Nokia C2-08, Voice is missing and can not reach to destination Mobile Phone, Mic problem, Microphone Solution in Nokia C2-08
Nokia 5233 power switch button ways solution power...
Nokia C2-08 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone
Nokia T5 and T4 for disassemble.
Universal Microphone.
Electronics Cleaner.
Hot Air.
Electronics Meter.
Solding iron.
Diagnostics & Solutions:-
Before Disassemble of Nokia C2-08 make sure that mic whole in Cassing ( housing ) is opened. And here is not any dust in it. Disassemble the mobile phone and remove mic microphone from mother board with solding iron.
Check points on mother board with miter and if any value is missing check all these parts that are given in red and blue color in above diagram.If any of them is missing apply jumpers as described in above repairing picture.
Replace new mic and apply jumpers to its negative and positive points. On the mother board Red color line shows ground print and Blue line indicates positive print of mic. So this will help you to solve mic problem in nokia C2-08
Apply solder on mic and Remove mic when it too hot so that mic print remain OK.
Don’t apply much heat with hot air it can damage the mother board.
Assemble with focus because if mic is not in its proper place voice will not reach to destination mobile. Or you will not be able to record voice in it.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-02 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways

if Nokia C2-02 MMC is not working or it do not accept memory card it can be cause of water damage and rust. It can be due to MMC jack and damage pins. And this problem can be reason of MMC I.C So lets check all these parts and try to Repair Memory card Problem in Nokia C2-02.
Nokia 100 Dead and Not switch On with Battery
Nokia C2-02 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways

The above diagram have a red line to show you which parts are used in Memory Card function so check these parts and in first step try to clean them with electronics cleaner and apply some hot air to dry it.
Once it is dry check and if not working then replace this I.C to solve memory card problem in Nokia C2-02.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia Asha 201 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

In nokia asha 201 if it is not charging ok and you have not charging problem in nokia asha 201 then you can solve this problem with help of diagram bellow. in this diagram all charging links are identified so that you can understand which parts are used in charging function in nokia asha 201.
Nokia 103 Battery Terminal Points Damage Ways Prob...

So one print is ground it is identified in diagram with blue color and red cooler is a positive print and you can check all track with meter and if any of them is broken you can apply jumper as defined in repairing diagram.mostly if we plug in charger and it does not show any thing it can be fault of charging base or may be fault of broken link. so check charging base also.
If it shows not charging indication or a message charger not supported then it can be fault of charging ic or may be due to 47k resistance. About these problems I will post in upcoming days.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-02 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpers

Nokia C2-02 insert sim problem, Sim is not working in Nokia C2-02, Sim is not Valid, Single Sim is not working in Nokia C2-02
Nokia T4 and T5 key, Electronic meter, Electronics Cleaner, Hot Air, Solding Iron, Jumper Wire.
nokia 101 light problem solution
Nokia C2-02 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpers
Diagnostic and Solutions.
if sim is not working in Nokia C2-02 is can be cause of water damage or missing components. Use different sim and if sim is not working then de assemble Nokia C2-02.
Once Mobile phone is disassemble check all these parts that are given in above diagram and apply electronics cleaner. Apply hot air so that it can be dry but not to much because it can damage the mother board or may can harm your skin.
these different color lines are indicating different path and tracks that are used in sim function in Nokia C2-02 so if nay of them is missing apply that jumper as shown in diagram to solve insert sim problem in Nokia C2-02
If single sim is not working out of these two you can only jumper those parts that are used by it. And to find prints and track you can see above diagram.
Do not apply to much heat it can damage the mother board and harm your skin.
When apply jumpers make sure the do not be ground with other prints.It can short the mobile phone.
Remove Sim Ic with hot air because with Solding iron it might can damage prints also.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5233 send key end key menu key not working jumper solution

if in Nokia 5233 send key end key menu key not working then you can apply a few jumpers as solution.if push buttons are not working ok in Nokia 5233 they can be cause of menu send and receive button not working problem.
Nokia 5800 slider key not working problem solution...

if these buttons or a few of them are not working then you can see above diagram and check all these parts and if any of them is missing then replace it.check whole path and if any track is missing apply jumper as given in above diagram.
check strip it may can be damage also and in that case replace strip or make jumpers.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5230 slider key not working problem solution

if nokia 5230 slider key not working then this problem can be solve with a few steps as given in bellow diagram.its solution can be to change slider button or keys ic as path is shown in diagram.and also check these tracks with meter.
NOKIA 5233 Not Charging solution no response probl...

if button shows value with meter then replace slider button and if value is missing in these points then apply jumpers as given in above diagram.slider key is also used as key guard key to apply and dis apply key guard in Nokia 5230.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia X2-02 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone

Nokia X2-02 Mic not working, Microphone is not working in Nokia X2-02, Voice is missing and can not reach to destination Mobile Phone, Mic problem, Microphone Solution in Nokia X2-02
Nokia Asha 201 Keypad Not Working Ic Jumper Proble...
Nokia X2-02 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone
Nokia T5 and T4 for disassemble.
Universal Microphone.
Electronics Cleaner.
Hot Air.
Electronics Meter.
Solding iron.
Diagnostics & Solutions:-
Before Disassemble of Nokia X2-02 make sure that mic whole in Cassing ( housing ) is opened. And here is not any dust in it. Disassemble the mobile phone and remove mic microphone from mother board with solding iron.
Check points on mother board with miter and if any value is missing check all these parts that are given in red and blue color in above diagram.If any of them is missing apply jumpers as described in above repairing picture.
Replace new mic and apply jumpers to its negative and positive points. On the mother board Red color line shows ground print and Blue line indicates positive print of mic. So this will help you to solve mic problem in Nokia X2-02
Apply solder on mic and Remove mic when it too hot so that mic print remain OK.
Don’t apply much heat with hot air it can damage the mother board.
Assemble with focus because if mic is not in its proper place voice will not reach to destination mobile. Or you will not be able to record voice in it.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

iPhone Camera Not Working Problem Solution

Failure of the iPhone’s camera phone owner denies the possibility to do a photo and use some applications (such as a barcode scanner or meter pulse). In itself, this problem is not fatal, but quite unpleasant: still limited to the functional unit.
Nokia 5800 power switch button ways solution power...

Why is not working in iPhone camera? What causes this error?
• The most common problems with the camera due to its breakdown. This component of the unit is quite fragile and can be damaged by the slightest shock, not to mention the fall of the phone.
Repair a broken camera too expensive: much cheaper to replace it with a new – original and fully compatible with the specific model of iPhone.
At the service center, this procedure takes no more than 40-50 minutes.
• The camera may fail if the terminals were oxidative reactions due to ingestion phone liquid.
As in the previous case, the item can not be repaired and replaced intact. You may need cleaning internal telephone from oxidation.
• If the camera has no visible damage, but still does not work, perhaps failed her tail. Most often it is because of the same reasons: moisture and negative mechanical impact.
As the train and the camera is a single module, changing both parts.
• Camera iPhone may not work due to violations of the integrity of the tracks on the PCB or any other components of this detail. Determine if this is the real reason for the eye can not – will need thorough diagnosis phone. After this procedure, the master will announce further order of activities, as well as mark the approximate dates and exact cost of repair.
Trying to resolve the problem yourself you should not: Apple iPhone – a complex machine with their specific configuration. One sloppy manipulation may lead to an entirely new problem. As a result, the phone will still have to carry in the shop, but the cost of repairs decent increase.

Replace iPhone Charging Base Problem Solution

Damage to the lower loop Apple iPhone immediately affect the operation of the elements contained in it. First of all, this is a built-in microphone, sensors, buzzer and a socket for recharging. In the very first iPhones lower loop is responsible for the functionality of the buttons Home.
Nokia Asha 201 Ringer Speaker Problem Solution Way...

The most common causes of damage to this part – the negative mechanical effects in the inaccurate reference (the phone has been dropped or suffered a stroke when shaken in a bag), getting into the water. In each of these cases is only one solution: the replacement of the damaged item. Repair of the lower loop will trudnoosuschestvim iPhone and simply not profitable financially.
For the failure of the system of the lower loop of the Apple smartphone characterized by the following symptoms:

1) The phone stops recharged from the mains or from a USB port on your computer.
Typically, the problem is caused by wear and tear or damage to the connector. Change it separately, keeping cable, expensive and unwarranted. Need to change the entire trail;
2) The microphone is faulty.
It can be expressed in reducing the sensitivity of the part or complete loss of functionality. Sometimes you can get by changing the microphone separately, but often entirely replaced the lower loop iPhone;
3) difficulty hearing (or work interference) polyphonic speaker.
As in the case of deterioration of the connector, it is much safer to change the entire lower loop system. Otherwise, in the near future we can expect new challenges;

4) Home button does not respond to any button.
This problem is typical for the first iPhones. In all cases, the need to change the cable with the proper value;
5) lost the functionality of all these parts at once.
You may have lost contact with the motherboard loop system. Also, could suffer a track on the board.
Judge whether it is possible that a single loop only replacement of the defective or have to repair (change) other details, will be possible only after the diagnosis of the state of the machine at the service center.
Repair time may vary depending on the case. If the problem affected only the lower tail, and all other loose items remained unharmed, the estimated duration of the work will be about one hour.

Nokia Asha 201 Camera Problem Solution Jumper Ways

if Nokia Asha 200 camera is not working we can not take pictures and make video from Nokia Asha 200.for making video or taking snaps it is to much necery that we solve Nokia Asha 200 camera problem so that it can be used for taking snaps and photos.
Nokia 5800 battery terminal jumpers solution

to solve Nokia Asha 200 camera switch button we can follow steps as given in above diagram.first remove camera from jack and check its points may they have some carbon or water damage so clean these point with electronics cleaner and aplly some hot air to dry board.
then check all these track as shown with differnent colors in above diagram.all these colores define path and track and parts which are used in camera if any link is broken apply jumpers and parts are missing or damag replace them to solve Nokia Asha 200 camera not working problem solution.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia Asha 201 MIC Jumper Ways Problem Solution

this is diagram to show you that how to jumper mic in Nokia Asha in diagram we can see there are four prints in of these points is ground.and the front prints of it are for next point.
nokia 101 sim jumper

between these two point add a 1k with this diagram you can use only two point and mic will work well and ok.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia Asha 201 Insert Sim Problem Solution Jumpers Ways.

Nokia Asha 201 have two stand by sims in it.if you are facing insert sim problem in Asha 201 for both sims or a single sim is not working here is the diagram that will help you to solve this problem in Asha 201.
Nokia C2-06 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.

In diagram you can see there are multiple lines with different colors that are indicating different sim points and there path to different parts you can check these path and if any of them is broken then you can make jumpers to them. if any part is not at the same place and have broken due to water damage or something else then you can see some points can also be scratched. So scratch them slightly and make jumper at that point.
Big round points on lines shows that you can make jumper on that point.
a big thanks to Mr Tuseef Ahmed for sending this diagram to us.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone

Nokia C2-02 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions

1-Nokia C2-02 not charging problem.
2-Nokia C2-02 Do not show charging.
1-Hot Air is required.
2-Solding iron is required.
3-Skrue driver keys.
4-Electronics cleaner.
5-charging base if old one is damage.
6-old board of Nokia C2-02 if a few parts are damage in this board.So that they can be replaced.
7- Charger to diagnostic it.
Nokia C2-08 Voluem Up Down Keys Not Working Proble...
Nokia C2-02 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions
1-Plugin charging pin in charging jack and check.
2-if charging symbol is not appearing in display it can be fault of missing track pr charging jack.
3-change battery and check again.
4-if Not charging symbol appear on display it can be fault of r22 or 24k resistance.
5-Disassamble Nokia C2-02 and look at whole mother board carefully for rust or carbon.
6-Clean carbon area and the area shown in above diagram with electronics cleaner.
7-Apply heat with hot air so that it can be totally dry.
8-Do not apply to much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile as well.
9-chek all these tracks as shown in the above diagram and if any path is missing apply jumpers.
10-if parts are missing or damage replace them.
Do not apply much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile phone.
Try that board get fully dry.
At time of assembling keep in mind about fitting. If fitting is not proper charging jack will not attach and it will not show charging and will not start charging.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-06 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions

1-Nokia C2-06 not charging problem.
2-Nokia C2-06 Do not show charging.
1-Hot Air is required.
2-Solding iron is required.
3-Skrue driver keys.
4-Electronics cleaner.
5-charging base if old one is damage.
6-old board of Nokia C2-06 if a few parts are damage in this board.So that they can be replaced.
7- Charger to diagnostic it.
nokia 100 charging problem solution
Nokia C2-06 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions
1-Plugin charging pin in charging jack and check.
2-if charging symbol is not appearing in display it can be fault of missing track pr charging jack.
3-change battery and check again.
4-if Not charging symbol appear on display it can be fault of r22 or 24k resistance.
5-Disassamble Nokia C2-06 and look at whole mother board carefully for rust or carbon.
6-Clean carbon area and the area shown in above diagram with electronics cleaner.
7-Apply heat with hot air so that it can be totally dry.
8-Do not apply to much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile as well.
9-chek all these tracks as shown in the above diagram and if any path is missing apply jumpers.
10-if parts are missing or damage replace them.
Do not apply much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile phone.
Try that board get fully dry.
At time of assembling keep in mind about fitting. If fitting is not proper charging jack will not attach and it will not show charging and will not start charging.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-07 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions

1-Nokia C2-07 not charging problem.
2-Nokia C2-07 Do not show charging.
1-Hot Air is required.
2-Solding iron is required.
3-Skrue driver keys.
4-Electronics cleaner.
5-charging base if old one is damage.
6-old board of Nokia C2-07 if a few parts are damage in this board.So that they can be replaced.
7- Charger to diagnostic it.
Nokia C2-08 Camera Standby Notworkin Problem Solut...
Nokia C2-07 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions
1-Plugin charging pin in charging jack and check.
2-if charging symbol is not appearing in display it can be fault of missing track pr charging jack.
3-change battery and check again.
4-if Not charging symbol appear on display it can be fault of r22 or 24k resistance.
5-Disassamble Nokia C2-07 and look at whole mother board carefully for rust or carbon.
6-Clean carbon area and the area shown in above diagram with electronics cleaner.
7-Apply heat with hot air so that it can be totally dry.
8-Do not apply to much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile as well.
9-chek all these tracks as shown in the above diagram and if any path is missing apply jumpers.
10-if parts are missing or damage replace them.
Do not apply much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile phone.
Try that board get fully dry.
At time of assembling keep in mind about fitting. If fitting is not proper charging jack will not attach and it will not show charging and will not start charging.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-08 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions

1-Nokia C2-08 not charging problem.
2-Nokia C2-08 Do not show charging.
1-Hot Air is required.
2-Solding iron is required.
3-Skrue driver keys.
4-Electronics cleaner.
5-charging base if old one is damage.
6-old board of Nokia C2-08 if a few parts are damage in this board.So that they can be replaced.
7- Charger to diagnostic it.
Nokia C2-07 Camera Standby Notworkin Problem Solut...
Nokia C2-08 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions
1-Plugin charging pin in charging jack and check.
2-if charging symbol is not appearing in display it can be fault of missing track pr charging jack.
3-change battery and check again.
4-if Not charging symbol appear on display it can be fault of r22 or 24k resistance.
5-Disassamble Nokia C2-08 and look at whole mother board carefully for rust or carbon.
6-Clean carbon area and the area shown in above diagram with electronics cleaner.
7-Apply heat with hot air so that it can be totally dry.
8-Do not apply to much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile as well.
9-chek all these tracks as shown in the above diagram and if any path is missing apply jumpers.
10-if parts are missing or damage replace them.
Do not apply much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile phone.
Try that board get fully dry.
At time of assembling keep in mind about fitting. If fitting is not proper charging jack will not attach and it will not show charging and will not start charging.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-02 Voluem Up Down Keys Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers

1-Nokia C2-02 Volume Up Key is Not Working.
2-Nokia C2-02 Volume Down Key is Not Working.
1-Hot Air is required.
2-Solding iron is required.
3-Skrue driver keys.
4-Electronics cleaner.
5-Four leg On of Switch ( Volume Key Switch ).
6-old board of Nokia C2-02 if a few parts are damage in this board.So that they can be replaced.
Nokia C2-02 Camera Standby Notworkin Problem Solut...
Nokia C2-02 Voluem Up Down Keys Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers
If Volume Up or Down key is not working in Nokia C2-02 then it can be the cause of Volume Switch or Resistance near by it.
So disassemble mobile phone and check whole mother board.
If there is some rust or carbon clean it with electronics cleaner and apply some heat so that it can be dry.
Check these tracks as shown in red and green lines in above diagram.
If some prints are missing or a few parts are damage apply jumpers or replace damaged parts.
If Volume Switch is damage or broken then replace it with new one.
Do not apply much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile phone.
Try that board get fully dry.
When you are removing old volume switch make sure you will not damage prints from mother board so remove it when solding iron is too much hot.Or remove it with hot air.

Nokia C2-07 Voluem Up Down Keys Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers

1-Nokia C2-07 Volume Up Key is Not Working.
2-Nokia C2-07 Volume Down Key is Not Working.
1-Hot Air is required.
2-Solding iron is required.
3-Skrue driver keys.
4-Electronics cleaner.
5-Four leg On of Switch ( Volume Key Switch ).
6-old board of Nokia C2-07 if a few parts are damage in this board.So that they can be replaced.
Nokia 5800 mic not working problem solution jumper...
Nokia C2-07 Voluem Up Down Keys Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers
If Volume Up or Down key is not working in Nokia C2-07 then it can be the cause of Volume Switch or Resistance near by it.
So disassemble mobile phone and check whole mother board.
If there is some rust or carbon clean it with electronics cleaner and apply some heat so that it can be dry.
Check these tracks as shown in red and green lines in above diagram.
If some prints are missing or a few parts are damage apply jumpers or replace damaged parts.
If Volume Switch is damage or broken then replace it with new one.
Do not apply much heat it can be harm for your skin and mobile phone.
Try that board get fully dry.
When you are removing old volume switch make sure you will not damage prints from mother board so remove it when solding iron is too much hot.Or remove it with hot air.

Nokia C2-02 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.

Nokia C2-02 Full PCB cellphone Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the cellphone diagram of Nokia C2-02 i will add some more cellphone diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for
Nokia x1-01 Lcd Light Problem Solution Ways Jumper...
Nokia C2-02 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout-m

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia C2-02

Nokia C2-02 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-07 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.

Nokia C2-07 Full PCB cellphone Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the cellphone diagram of Nokia C2-07 i will add some more cellphone diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for
Nokia C2-07 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution...
Nokia C2-07 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout-m

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia C2-07

Nokia C2-07 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-02 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone

Nokia C2-02 Mic not working, Microphone is not working in Nokia C2-02, Voice is missing and can not reach to destination Mobile Phone, Mic problem, Microphone Solution in Nokia C2-02
Nokia C2-06 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution...
Nokia C2-02 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone
Nokia T5 and T4 for disassemble.
Universal Microphone.
Electronics Cleaner.
Hot Air.
Electronics Meter.
Solding iron.
Diagnostics & Solutions:-
Before Disassemble of Nokia C2-02 make sure that mic whole in Cassing ( housing ) is opened. And here is not any dust in it. Disassemble the mobile phone and remove mic microphone from mother board with solding iron.
Check points on mother board with miter and if any value is missing check all these parts that are given in red and blue color in above diagram.If any of them is missing apply jumpers as described in above repairing picture.
Replace new mic and apply jumpers to its negative and positive points. On the mother board Red color line shows ground print and Blue line indicates positive print of mic. So this will help you to solve mic problem in nokia C2-02
Apply solder on mic and Remove mic when it too hot so that mic print remain OK.
Don’t apply much heat with hot air it can damage the mother board.
Assemble with focus because if mic is not in its proper place voice will not reach to destination mobile. Or you will not be able to record voice in it.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-06 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone

Nokia C2-06 Mic not working, Microphone is not working in Nokia C2-06, Voice is missing and can not reach to destination Mobile Phone, Mic problem, Microphone Solution in Nokia C2-06
Nokia C2-06 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways
Nokia C2-06 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone
Nokia T5 and T4 for disassemble.
Universal Microphone.
Electronics Cleaner.
Hot Air.
Electronics Meter.
Solding iron.
Diagnostics & Solutions:-
Before Disassemble of Nokia C2-06 make sure that mic whole in Cassing ( housing ) is opened. And here is not any dust in it. Disassemble the mobile phone and remove mic microphone from mother board with solding iron.
Check points on mother board with miter and if any value is missing check all these parts that are given in red and blue color in above diagram.If any of them is missing apply jumpers as described in above repairing picture.
Replace new mic and apply jumpers to its negative and positive points. On the mother board Red color line shows ground print and Blue line indicates positive print of mic. So this will help you to solve mic problem in nokia C2-06
Apply solder on mic and Remove mic when it too hot so that mic print remain OK.
Don’t apply much heat with hot air it can damage the mother board.
Assemble with focus because if mic is not in its proper place voice will not reach to destination mobile. Or you will not be able to record voice in it.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-08 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways

if Nokia C2-08 MMC is not working or it do not accept memory card it can be cause of water damage and rust. It can be due to MMC jack and damage pins. And this problem can be reason of MMC I.C So lets check all these parts and try to Repair Memory card Problem in Nokia C2-08.
Nokia C2-06 Lcd Display Problem Solution Ways Jump...
Nokia C2-08 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways

The above diagram have a red line to show you which parts are used in Once it is dry check and if not working then replace this I.C to solve memory card problem in Nokia C2-08.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-02 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways

Plug in Charging pin into charging jack of Nokia C2-02 and if it shows an indication message Charger Not Supported it can be due to these few parts that are given bellow in diagram.So after disassemble of Nokia C2-02 clean these parts and area with electronics cleaner.
Nokia C2-02 Lcd Display Problem Solution Ways Jump...
Noki C2-02 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways
Apply hot air and make it dry.Resold these parts indicated with red lines in above diagram to solve Charger Not Supported in Nokia C2-02
You can take these parts from other models of nokia also to solve charging problem in nokia C2-02
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-08 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways

Plug in Charging pin into charging jack of Nokia C2-08 and if it shows an indication message Charger Not Supported it can be due to these few parts that are given bellow in diagram.So after disassemble of Nokia C2-08 clean these parts and area with electronics cleaner.
Sony Ericsson MT11 Xperia Restore Factory Hard Res...
Nokia C2-08 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways
Apply hot air and make it dry.Resold these parts indicated with red lines in above diagram to solve Charger Not Supported in Nokia C2-08
You can take these parts from other models of nokia also to solve charging problem in nokia C2-08
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C2-02 Ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways

Nokia C2-02 ringer HF is not working, Nokia C2-02 Ringer Speaker is not working, Nokia C2-02 can not play music. We can not here voice during loud speaker in nokia c2-02.
Nokia key T4 and T5
Hot air.
Solding Iron.
Electronics Cleaner.
Nokia C2-02 Ringer,
Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250 Restore Factory Hard Re...
Nokia C2-02 Ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Diagnostic & Solutions:-
If Nokia C2-02 is not abble to ring a bell and we can not use loud speaker it might be fault of ringer or it may not be attached with mother board.
it can be damage or might be its not in proper location.It can be cause of Water damages and missing components,So lets solve the problem in a few simple steps as given in above diagram.
Disassemble Nokia C2-02 and check ringer points with electronics meter.If ringer shows good value then check point on the mother board and if the have also a good value it can be cause of miss fitting.
So assembly with proper placements and tight the screw and try it if not working then replace ringer with new one.If you find some prints missing then apply jumpers as given in above diagram. There are two different color lines Red and Blue.These lines indicates the negative and positive prints of ringer in Nokia C2-02 so apply these jumper to solve ringer problem in nokia C2-02
Do not apply much heat with hot air it can damage the mother board and your skin.
Keep in mind about placement of ringer because it is not proper ringer will not work.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 100 not charging problem solution

If you are facing not charging problem in nokia 100 then this diagram will help you to solve nokia 100 not charging problem.
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nokia 100 not charging problem solution
If you plug in charging pin into nokia 100 and it show notification of not charging or charger not supported then change the component that is shown in above diagram.
This IC is used to for nokia 100 not charging solution.

Nokia C2-07 Ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways

Nokia C2-07 ringer HF is not working, Nokia C2-07 Ringer Speaker is not working, Nokia C2-07 can not play music. We can not here voice during loud speaker in nokia c2-07.
Nokia key T4 and T5
Hot air.
Solding Iron.
Electronics Cleaner.
Nokia C2-07 Ringer,
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Nokia C2-07 Ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Diagnostic & Solutions:-
If Nokia C2-07 is not abble to ring a bell and we can not use loud speaker it might be fault of ringer or it may not be attached with mother board.
it can be damage or might be its not in proper location.It can be cause of Water damages and missing components,So lets solve the problem in a few simple steps as given in above diagram.
Disassemble Nokia C2-07 and check ringer points with electronics meter.If ringer shows good value then check point on the mother board and if the have also a good value it can be cause of miss fitting.
So assembly with proper placements and tight the screw and try it if not working then replace ringer with new one.If you find some prints missing then apply jumpers as given in above diagram. There are two different color lines Red and Blue.These lines indicates the negative and positive prints of ringer in Nokia C2-07 so apply these jumper to solve ringer problem in nokia C2-07
Do not apply much heat with hot air it can damage the mother board and your skin.
Keep in mind about placement of ringer because it is not proper ringer will not work.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia X2 Ringer Problem Jumper Ways Solutions.

It can be fault of ringer and its tracks.If you have ringer problem in Nokia X2-00 Classic you can not hear media music and videos voice. Ringtones not work proper and you will not be able to make a Loud speaker call in it.
Nokia C2-08 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpe...
Nokia X2 Ringer Problem Jumper Ways Solutions.
To solve ringer problem in Nokia X2-00 Classic you can follow a few simple steps that are given in above diagram.In above repairing diagram you can see two different color lines these line are tracking ad paths of ringer function in Nokia X2-00 Classic.
So in first step you can replace ringer and if replacement of ringer will not work you can check all these tracks that are given in above diagram.
So if any of them is missing you can apply that jumpers and if any parts out of them are broken or damage you can replace them.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 100 insert sim problem

nokia 100 insert sim problem can be solve with a few steps that i am going to post in this post. you can also see a diagram to solve nokia 100 insert sim problem is given in this post.
nokia 100 insert sim problem
Nokia C2-07 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpe...
after dis assambly of nokia 100 look at the whole mother board if you find some burn or damage parts. may you find out carbon and rust in it. if you have carbon in it make the mother board clean and apply hot air to make it dry.
Once the mobile is dry check it and if not work ok then check whole tracks as given in above diagram to apply jumpers. different color lines are givven to identify all tracks saperatlly.

nokia 100 sim ways

to solve nokia 100 insert sim problem you can read this diagram and follow these jumpers that are given in it. In the bellow diagram some different color lines are given these lines are the paths of sim points.
Nokia C2-06 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpe...
nokia 100 sim ways
check these tracks with meter and if any of them is missing apply these jumpers to solve insert sim problem in nokia 100.
near the resistance you can find out some small points that can be scratch and apply jumpers on these points if resistance is missing.

SONY ERICSON Security Factory Setting Codes

SONY ERICSON Security Factory Setting Codes
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It will remove all the data ,contacts and apps that you installed
To check IMEI number press *# 06 #
To reset language back to English press * # 0000 #
To check the software version of your mobile press > *<<*<* service menu
To check sim lock press <**<
IMEI number: * # 06 #
Software version: * # 8377466 #
Show the list of product creator name: you have to save this number in your phonebook with “own phone number” record:
+ 12022243121

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