All About Mobiles

نوكيا 5130 سماعات الأذن السلام مشكلة طرق لاعبا.

لخطوة 1 — التحقق من نقاط المتكلم على متن انها تشير الى أن استمرارية بسيط جدا نقطتين فقط قبل أن تظهر مع استمرار meter.if متوسط ​​التغير في اللغة.
الخطوة 2 : لو المقياس يبين استمرارية حول طرق التحقق من المسار ، كما هو مبين في الرسم البياني، وجعل لاعبا ، كما هو مبين في it.when جعل العبور من مكبر الصوت للإشارة إلى المقاومة على متنها سيكون على ما يرام وموافق.

هذا المخطط هو مفيد عندما يكون نوكيا 5130 يمكن ان تحل مشكلة اللغة مع help.clean هذه العناصر المشار إليها في هذا المخطط والسماح للمجموعة لتجف لبضع النعناع وتأكد لم يتم حل المشكلة فقط مع solved.if بيعها
لمزيد من التفاصيل ونصائح وحيل جديدة حول هذه المشكلة تستمر بزيارة هذه الصفحة سوف نقوم بتحديث انها ترد أيضا في الوقت المناسب مع الوظيفة الجديدة المتعلقة diagrams.some خوار يمكنك قراءتها أيضا لمزيد من المعلومات.

Nokia C3-00 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout

Nokia C3-00 Full PCB cellphone Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the cellphone diagram of Nokia C3-00 i will add some more cellphone diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

Nokia C3-00 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Nokia C3-00 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia C3-00

Nokia C3-00 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways

if you have mic problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 then this cellphone diagram will help you to solve this problem in a few first step check board vary carefully if there is any water damage or rust on board then clean it with any electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint under electrical bulb so that it can be dry the cellphone board.

Nokia C3-00 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Nokia C3-00 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways

in step two check mic and remove it from board and check continuity with meter on board if mic points on board shows that value is correct.then here can be problem in cellphone mic so check mic also and replace the mic for cellphone service.
if mic is ok and value is no good on board then check this link as shown in diagram in red and blue lines.all mic ways are shown with two different colors and on each component a small circle shows where you have to make jumper on that component.
if on a resistance on both side here is circles then we can make jumper at any side of it but if a component have a single circle on one side of component then we have to make jumper on that side only. for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Charging Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Not Charging

if you have charging problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 then here is this post that will help you to solve this charging problem in nokia c3-00 cellphone .once you read this post and follow the given steps you will be able to solve 100% charging problem in cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Charging Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Not Charging.
Nokia C3-00 Charging Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Not Charging.

so in first step check charger and use a new charger for testing chagrin problem in cellphone nokia c3-00.if it can not charge then check charging base in inner casing and replace it for testing propose.
if after this process it can not start charging process then check points on the board as shown in cellphone diagram and check is there a fine value if one point is ground and other show some correct value then here can be fault in upper described parts and if here is not any value then check these parts of cellphone that are shown in cellphone diagram and all components are shown with red and blue lines.these lines shows track of charging and small circular on parts describe that at which point you can make jumpers.
so if any part is damage or missing you can make jumper instead of that in the board for solving not charging problem in nokia c3-00. for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone .

Nokia C3-00 Power Button Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers

if you have power on problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 and cell phone is not getting power on but charging well and good it means it can be the problem of power button in cellphone.if when we plug in charger and it start charging it means cellphone is working but not getting power on so we have to search its on off switch button track ways.
Nokia C3-00 Power Button Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers.
Nokia C3-00 Power Button Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers.

you can also check power button in cellphone with electronics meter outer button should be ground and inner button should show some value in cellphone.if value is not here then make this jumper as shown in diagram whit red and blue lines.and small circles on parts shows that here we can make jumper to solve cellphone problems.
you can also see if there is some water damage or rust then clean the board and parts with electronic cleaner of cellphone and also apply some heat with hot air or putt it under electrical bulb for a few mints so that it can be dry.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

today i am going to post a diagram that will help you to solve insert sim problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 first of all you should check some different sim in it and if no one is working with nokia c3-00 cellphone and on each sim you find “insert sim” then you can solve this insert sim problem in cellphone with this diagram that is given with this post.

Nokia C3-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.
Nokia C3-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

in diagram here are some different pins with different line shows power links of sim jack and other three shows some other criteria in can remove sim ic and make jumper as shown in small box in white if only jumper of ic not work then you can make jumpers up to sim jack as shown in cellphone diagram.
mostly only sim ic short can solve insert sim problem and if not then you can check all pins with meter for value.if any pin of them have not a continuity or value then make jumper as given in cellphone will help you to solve insert sim problem in nokia c3-00.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia C3-00 Speaker Earpiece Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers

if earpiece speaker of cellphone nokia c3-00 is not working and you having any problem about speaker in nokia c3-00 cellphone this post will help you to solve this problem about first step check volume of your mobile phone.

Nokia C3-00 Speaker Earpiece Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers.
Nokia C3-00 Speaker Earpiece Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers.

and if it is up but still you can not hear the voice or low voice problem then change speaker in cellphone nokia c3-00.once you change speaker and if it have same problem then check value of two points as shown in diagram with meter.
if there is not any value in these points then make sure all parts are well and good as shown in diagram and if there is some rust or water damage in cellphone then clean the area with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint under electrical bulb so that it can be may can also apply little heat with hot air for this propose so that cell phone can be fine.
you can make jumpers if there is not a value or some parts are missing then check all ways that are shown with red and blue lines in diagram and small circle on parts shows that where we can make jumper on them.
for more detail and new tips and tricks cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 On-Off switch Power Button problem ways solution Dead

cellphone Nokia 5130 classic power button does not work.If power button does not work in Nokia 5130 cellphone This picture is much useful for you to make jumpers, as shown in the cellphone diagram

First check continuity and if not, make jumper.

Nokia 5130 kill switch does not work out problem was eventually resolved with this see the links of the power button goes to resistance shown in cellphone diagram with red line.if the link is broken, you can make jumpers and solving the to switch problem in the Nokia 5130.
Nokia 5130 On-Off switch Power Button problem ways solution Dead
Step 1: Nokia 5130, if it shows charging but I am not can make jumpers to switch the resistance as shown in the pictures above.
This image also shows the ring points are shown in red line.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 Ear peace Speaker Problem Ways jumpers

Step 1 – Check the speaker points on board that they show that the continuity not in is too simple just two points before the shows with meter.if continuity the average change of the speaker of cellphone.

Step 2:-if the meter shows continuity over ways to check the track, as shown in the diagram and make jumpers, as shown in it.when make jumper from the speaker to indicate resistance on the board will be fine and ok.
This chart is useful when the Nokia 5130 have speaker problem can be solved with the help.clean these items indicated in this cellphone diagram and let set to dry for a few mints and make sure the problem is not resolved solved.if with only the resold
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 Mic Problem solution Ways Jumpers.

If you have a microphone problem nokia 2690.not volte goes to the destination mobile or low voice goes to the destination mobile phone you can solve this problem by using these few steps and with this first step cellphone mic contact with multi-meters.

and then in the second step Mic check points on the board and at board level you can see the connectivity and good value here may be attachment problems between mic and cardboard.

mic is not visible as the value then change mic.and and on board you can not see good value that you can see these items in line with red color, so that continuity can be ok and the microphone broken links can be re-built.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 5130 keypad not working problem solution jumpers ways

if keypad is not working in nokia 5130 all keys or a few keys are not working you can solve this problem after following these few steps that are given in this post and also in this diagram that is given bellow.

you can see in diagram there are outer and inner keypad are define with different colors so that you can understand easily which keys of set are in the same track.
1,4,7,* is in same line
2,5,8,0 is in same line
3,6,9,# is in same line
up,down,menus,and dial key is same line
in the same ways all colors for outer and inner keys are showing keys track if any of them is missing we can make outer with outer and inner with inner jumper to all these which is missing to that button which is working good.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

nokia 5130 keypad light ways problem solution jumpers.

if you having a problem with cellphone nokia 4130 keypad lights and these lights are not working and getting light on then this post is much and more helpful for you to understand how to solve keypad light problem in nokia 5130 cell phone.

simply check all these links that are define with red and blue colors in this cell phone diagram given bellow in this post.
there are three main colors in cellphone diagram red blue and pink and three main light sections in cellphone diagram right and left keypad lights ways and a keypad light at volume with making these jumpers you can solve keypad lights problem in nokia 5130.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 5130 lcd light problem solution ways jumpers tracking

in cellphone nokia 5130 if lcd display light is not working and light is not getting on then this cell phone diagram and post will help you to solve this light problem in nokia 5130 lcd display.

look at the cell phone diagram and in it you can see some different colors lines and also some parts that are in line and in circled with different colors and box.these lines are showing and defining all lcd light tracks and values.
with these lines and diagram you can understand the way of voltage passing through components and parts so check all these jumpers and if any of them links is broken then make that jumper(s) with insulation wire so that the brake sircet can be re activated,

one you check all these jumpers you can also replace these parts so that if can be solved if with only jumper this problem can not be solve keep in mind to service and clean all these parts if you found any rust or water damages on mother board of nokia 5130 cellphone.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 show not charging Problem, Solution Ways

CHARGING SOLUTION cellphone Nokia 5130 Charging Ways Prints Problem when charging problem in the Nokia 5130 is cell phone diagram that will hep you to this problem

simply with a few tips and tricks.all charging process is shown in yellow line chart right check all these parts with the meter and If one of them is broken or missing at that time to make jumper from charges starting point in cell phone
Nokia 5130 not charging 5130 not fix solution.Nokia Mobile Repair Service Tips and photos chart Tricks.Make jumpers as shown in cellphone diagram recharging or replacement of the displayed items.
Nokia 5130 not charging solution 100% in a few mints.
step by step process to not charge the Nokia 5130 problem to solve.
In the cell phone scheme given all the steps are clearly marked.
Check these hot and partially re-sold if not ok to be replaced by new board of ok.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2690 Mic Problem solution Ways Jumpers

if you have a mic problem in cellphone nokia 2690.not voice is going to the destination mobile or low voice goes to the destination cell phone then you can solve this problem with help of these few steps and with this first step check mic with multi meter.

and then in second step check mic points on the board if at board you can see connectivity and value is good then here can be attachment problem between mic and board.

if mic is not showing value then change mic in cellphone.and if on board you can not see good value then you can see these parts that are inline with red color so that its continuity can be ok and the mic broken links can be re constructed.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2690 MMC problem solution jumpers ways

if you have a mmc (memory card) problem in cellphone nokia 2690 insert memory card memory card is this case in first step change memory card of cellphone and try it to insert correctly.if it is not working yet then open mobile and check mmc card jacket and its near about area.

if there is any water damages or rust clean these parts with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mints under electrical bulb.

if with only service problem can not be solved then you can replace ic that is inline with red may can check also some more components near this area.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2690 Power Button On Off Problem Ways Jumpers Solution

you have problem with cellphone nokia 2690 dead or no power on then you can solve this power problem with help of this post and cell phone diagram that is given bellow.

to check this problem plug in charger and check if it is charging but can not power on it means it can be problem of power button.
remove streaker from board and clean all buttons with cleaner apply little heat with hot air and then check on off button with meter is there any continuity or value if not then make this jumper from inner button to the pin point that is shown in cell phone diagram given in this post.outer print of on off button is ground that can be jumper with any ground position.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2690 Ringer Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

you have ringer problem in cellphone nokia 2690 low ringer sound no sound no ringing problem can be solve with help of this post and cellphone diagram that i am going to post bellow in this post.

so in first step check ringer with electronics meter and if it is showing a good value then check on board you can replace ringer to verify is it fault of ringer or not.

if with replacing ringer problem can not be solved then check ringer prints at the board if they have also a good value there can be miss attachment of ringer to board and can be gape in board and ringer so fix this problem.
if ringer points do not show value with meter at board then check all this track on board that is shown in red and blue lines and also check points that are shown with red circles.check these resistances and also capacitors that are defined in this cellphone diagram.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 5130 auto on off or restart problem solution parts and ways.

if you are having problem in cellphone nokia 5130 auto on off or restart then you can sole this problem vary easily with help of this post and cellphone diagram that is given bellow in this post.

look at the cell phone diagram you can see some resistances and volume and camera switch buttons so clean these resistances and buttons with electronics cleaner and leave them to dry for a few mints or apply some heat with hot air but not too much that the melt buttons.
you may can also check on off power button and remove keypad streaker and clean these keypad buttons also there can also be some rust or water problem.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 Ringer Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

if you ring problem in the cellphone Nokia 5130 low ring tone sound no sound no ringing problem solving with the help of this post and I’ll schedule that places the bellows post.

so first step in the ring with electronic meters and check if it is with a good price check on board you can replace your ring to make sure it is the fault of the ring or not.
If the replacement ringer problem is not resolved, check call down on the board if they have a good price can be attachment of ring to board missing and may yawn at the board and call you solve this problem.
Points have no value as a ring tone to prove the meter at management level, check all the job board to be displayed in red and blue lines and check points shown red circles.check these resistances and capacitors defined in this chart.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1800 Speaker Ere Peace Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers.

Nokia 1800 cellphone Speaker Honorary Peace is not working Problem Solving Jumpers are available in this chart is posted in this post.some times we face the Nokia 1800 cellphone speaker problem in a low voice or no voice call works for some time, but speaker works not, while in other cases speaker works, but does not ring all these problems you should follow a few steps given below and the problem will be solved easily and quickly.

In the first step, whether mobile phone volume up and not too low or the setting profile.then check speaker of Nokia 1800 with one meter and as do not show continuity to modify and replace it.If speaker shows the continuity check or those items that are defined in the cellphone diagram above. Check out these links and make these jumpers as one of them is diagram top left you a color chart to determine color scheme for the chart to see.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.
Nokia 1800 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 1800 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 1800

Nokia 1800 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1280 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.

Nokia 1280 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 1280 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 1280

Nokia 1280 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.

Nokia 5130 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 5130 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 5130

Nokia 5130 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2690 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout

nokia 2690 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 2690 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 2690

Nokia 2690 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2700 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout

Nokia 2700 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Here is the diagram of Nokia 2700 i will add some more diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for

High Resolution

Download High Resolution Diagram of Nokia 2700

Nokia 2700 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING MADE EASY” the basic point of
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2690 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

if you are having a problem with your cellphone nokia 2690 when ever you plug in charger into its charging pin it shows charger not supported.this can be the fault of a 47k resistance that is shwon in cellphone diagram bellow.
you have to change this resistance and before replacing this 47k resistanse you can clean resold this resistance and area.

you can use it from most of nokia mobiles like nokia 1110,nokia 1112,nokia 1200,nokia 1208,nokia 6030 etc.
this resistance is used in all nokia mobile phones with same 47k value so you can use it from any of nokia mobile just position of resistance can be different in each mobile.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 3110 format code factory setting code how to format

how to format nokia 3110 factory setting or nokia 3110 recovery is possible with three buttons just press * # and power key together to restore factory setting or format nokia 3110 it will solve any problem

related to software like hanging mobile or white display or software working too much slower or such any problem that lies in software can be solve with this simple steps.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia c1-01 led light ways tested working problem is solved

nokia c1-01 cellphone led not lighting or dead led can be solve with a few steps that are defined in cellphone diagram attached with this post.look at the diagram here are a few different color lines that are defining paths of led ways.

check all these components parts and links if any of them is broken make these jumpers or change these parts all these parts that are shown with different colors are used in led light function to changing or checking these parts will help you to solve led light problem lcd display light problem in nokia c1-01.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 6303 Earp ace Speaker Problem Solution Jumper Ways Tips Tricks.

Nokia 6303 cellphone Earp ace Speaker Problem Solution Jumper Ways Tips Tricks.can be found in this post that i am going to share with you.i am posting a diagram that will help you to solve speaker problem in nokia 6303 cellphone if you are facing low voice or no voice in speaker ear peace of nokia 6303.
Nokia Asha 300 Camera Problem Solution Jumpers Way...

in this diagram you can found two main colors green and blue both colors are defining tow main path of speaker all these parts are used in speaker function so check these links and if any of them is broken make these jumpers as shown in cellphone diagram attached with this post.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1800 LCD LED Keypad Lights Solution Jumpers Tracks

Nokia 1800 cellphone LCD LED Keypad Lights Solution Jumpers Tracks.can be found in this post that i am going to post by following these tricks and jumper by cellphone diagram you can solve display light keypad light problem in nokia 1800 vary easily in a few mints.
nokia 100 insert sim solution

look at diagram and follow these two color links orange and parrot color shows links of led +v and -v make these jumpers to light led and display lights.check also led that is on board on nokia 1800 some times this can be broken or carbon on it.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1616 Speaker Ere Peace Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers

Nokia 1616 cellphone Speaker Ere Peace Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers are available in this diagram that is posted with this post.some times we face speaker problem in nokia 1616 low voice or no voice some time ringer is working but speaker is not working while in other case speaker work but ringer is not working in all these problems you have to follow a few steps given bellow and problem will be solve easily and quickly in cellphone.

in first step check that is cell phone volume up and not low from setting or profile.then check speaker of nokia 1616 with meter and if not show continuity change and replace it.if speaker shows continuity then check  these parts that are define in diagram above.check this links and make these jumpers if any of them is diagram at left upper side you can see a color chart that define color scheme for the diagram.

nokia 5600 not charging ways problem solution track prints links.

if you are facing not charging problem in nokia 5600 cellphone here is cellphone diagram that i am going to post with this post it will help you much more to solve charging problem in nokia 5600

simply look at the cellphone diagram here is a red line and a blue line blue line is for ground print and red line is defining path for charging ways.check these path with electronics meter and if broken or damage make these jumpers as shown in will help you to solve charging problem in nokia 5600.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

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